- New York City, New York, USA
Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graph ╭┈╯ in command line apps with no other dependencies.
Starter-kit for writing services in Go using Kubernetes.
Vecty lets you build responsive and dynamic web frontends in Go using WebAssembly, competing with modern web frameworks like React & VueJS.
Pragmatic Boilerplate for Golang RESTful Server Implementation
Unit testing framework for Arduino platforms inspired by ArduinoUnit and Google Test. Used with EpoxyDuino for continuous builds.
KnowFlow Automatic Water Monitoring device is an open sourced tool enable everyone having access to first hand water quality data with low cost.
Thumb 2 assembly exercise for toggling a GPIO on an STM32F4
Chaos testing, network emulation, and stress testing tool for containers
Arduino Nano 33 IoT - Ultimate guide
TinyDraw is a package of drawing primitives on TinyGo displays.
Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly (WASM/WASI), and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.
Arduino library for communicating with XBee radios in API mode
The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean dashboard gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing.
The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
WARNING: The content in this repo is out of date! See https://github.com/balderdashy/sails-docs for the most up-to-date documentation