Cool hack project.
Python package dependencies can be installed using
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Also install tokei for getting code/languages used.
When developing semgrepl it is convenient to have ipython autoreload modules. That way you can keep ipython open and it reloads the module when you save a file. Type the following magic commands when ipython is first loaded:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Note: You can autorun the above commands on IPython startup using a config file
docs. This can be
a global config file or via
in your current working
directory. You can see all locations in which IPython is looking for configuration files by starting ipython in debug mode:
$ ipython --debug -c 'exit()'
The main entrypoint into semgrepl is
which can be loaded in ipython
For example, to find all function definitions in the file semgrepl/
import semgrepl.main as sm
config = sm.init("semgrepl/")
Oftentimes you have a specific target repo(s) in mind.
Use semgrepl_init
to set your "working directory" of rules and target repo dirs, so you don't have pass them in to every semgrepl function.
import semgrepl.main as sm
# Add 1 dir as a target
config = sm.init(path_to_repo)
# Or, Add every dir in a directory as a target, uses glob.glob()
config = sm.init_dir("Users/me/target_repos/*")
# Examine the config that's been set up
# See the various tech stacks used
From root of repo, type pytest