Automatically generate your API documentation from existing Laravel routing and Class/methods docblocks
php artisan y2apidoc:generate
- PHP 7
- Laravel 5.6
$ composer require delejt/y2apidoc
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Delejt\Y2apidoc\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Delejt\Y2apidoc\ServiceProvider" --tag="template"
Before you can generate your documentation, you'll need to configure a few things in your config/y2apidoc.php:
- configure your api routing prefix:
'route' => [
'prefix' => 'api',
- change your documentation output path
'documentation' => [
'output' => 'public/api-documentation',
- you can change template for documentation (default is bootstrap 3.3 simple template)
'source' => 'resources/views/vendor/y2apidoc/default',
- path for custom tags special templates, name of the file must be [tag_name]tag.blade.php, ex.: tabletag.blade.php
'tags_template_path' => 'resources/views/vendor/y2apidoc/default/_partials/tags',
- specify custom languages templates (PHP/Shell included):
'languages' => 'resources/views/vendor/y2apidoc/default/_partials/langs',
- specify available tags for parser (or add your own), You can place here custom renderer class
'tags' => [
"@table" => [
'class' => '\\Delejt\\Y2apidoc\\Tags\\TableTag',
"@notice" => [
'class' => '\\Delejt\\Y2apidoc\\Tags\\NoticeTag',
"@warning" => [
'class' => '\\Delejt\\Y2apidoc\\Tags\\WarningTag',
//"@api" => [],
"@author" => [],
- specify default headers added to all request:
'request' => [
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer: {token}',
- specify bindings - variables will automatically replaced during documentation generation process:
'bindings' => [
'{token}' => 'qwerty',
'{page}' => '1',
'{item_per_page}' => '30',
'{page?}' => '1',
- specify bootstrap classes using for labelling method as PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE/GET
'classes' => [
'get' => 'success',
'post' => 'primary',
'put' => 'warning',
'delete' => 'danger',
- configure headers automatically added to each response:
'response' => [
'headers' => [
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
Y2apidoc uses HTTP controller doc blocks to create a table of contents and show descriptions for your API methods. Package automatically create groups from controller names. All routes handled by that controller will placed under this group in the sidebar menu
This package uses standard php DocBlock comments. Packages has custom Tags defined too.
@notice sample notice message presented as bootstrap alert, example:
@notice Simple Notice.
@warning sample warning message presented as bootstrap alert
@warning Simple Warning.
@table tag to create table in your documentation - example for special params list
@table Type|Name|Requirements|Description int|page|required|Page Number, example: 1 int|item_per_page|required|Items per page, example: 32 int|ean|optional|EAN13 if you specify this parameter
@response tag to show example response from current method
@response { "success": true, "data": { "id": 55597, "product_id": 59863, "warehouse_id": 1, "quantity": 1333, "delivery_time": 48, "created_at": "2018-09-25 10:43:25", "updated_at": "2018-12-07 12:29:09" }, "message": "Record updated successfully." }
@responsefile tag to show response from current method - see Response File section
@responsefile product.index.json
You can define custom tags by adding it's name to config file, example:
'tags' => [
You can specify custom renderer for this tag by putting class path:
"@mikimouse" => [
'class' => '\\Some\\Custom\\Namespace\\MikiMouseTag',
Next create class with 'parse' method in given path:
<?php namespace Some\Custom\Namespace;
class MikiMouseTag
public function parse($body)
return 'Hello I am MikiMouse';
Your custom tag is now available in your docblock. If you want create Tag with custom template,
<?php namespace Some\Custom\Namespace;
class MikiMouseTag
public function parse($body)
return $this->render($body);
protected function render($body)
$template_name = 'mikimouse';
try {
return view($template_name)->with('text', $body);
catch (\Exception $e) {
return $body;
Next, put template in your tags_template_path:
with some html:
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">I'am Miki Mouse</div>
And that's all. Now You ready to generate Api Documentation :)
To define custom languages tabs, just create blade template in path declared in config file:
* Path for templates with languages
'languages' => 'resources/views/vendor/y2apidoc/default/_partials/langs',
Name of this file should be name of current language:
List of available variables in this template:
- url - parsed url with parameter ex.:
- endpoint - endpoint route, ex.:{page}/{item_per_page}
- request_type - GET/POST/PUT etc.
- default_headers - array of default headers defined in config file
- body_params - array of body params
You can specify response file for current method by adding @responsefile to your docblock:
During documentation generation process package will try to find file product.stocks.index.json in storage/api directory Response file example:
"success": true,
"data": {
"product_id": 16,
"warehouse_id": 2,
"quantity": 10,
"delivery_time": 48,
"updated_at": "2018-12-07 12:24:11",
"created_at": "2018-12-07 12:24:11",
"id": 204022
"message": "Record created successfully."
- ReflectionDocBlock - The ReflectionDocBlock component of phpDocumentor
- highlight.php - server side code highlighter written in PHP
- Bootstrap 3.3 - Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework
- Krzysztof Chełchowski - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- tests
- better documentation
- more examples
- demo