(Full list of dev dependencies in package.json):
- Webpack - Module Bundler
- React - Library for modular interfaces
- Babel - JavaScript Compiler
- PostCSS - CSS Processor (and PostCSS plugins)
- React CSS Modules - For reusable no conflict module composition
- LostGrid - Grid built on PostCSS with easy responsive breakpoints
- StoryBook - Interactive development & testing environment for React and React-Native UI components
$ git clone [repo] && cd [repo]
$ npm i
Dev mode:
$ npm start
Staging mode:
$ npm run staging
Prod mode:
$ npm run prod
$ npm build
$ npm build:staging
$ npm build:development
Will run at http://localhost:8080
$ npm test
Install globally
$ npm install -g getstorybook
Run StoryBook
$ npm run storybook