Xin Liu, NUID:001417847
Use Android Virtual Devices to simulate. Pixel 2 (5.0 1080 * 1920) with Android 9.0(API 28)
1: HyperGarageSale - Menus and Notifications (1) Add a SnackBar that comes up when a new post has been added. (2) Add an Action Bar with a menu item to Post a new item.
2: BrowsePostActivity (1) Add a Floating Action Button and navigate from BrowsePosts to NewPost when floating action button is pressed.
3: RecycleView/ListView (1) Add a RecycleView to BrowsePostsActivity
(2) Create a database to hold new posts data
(3) Integrate RecycleView and corresponding adapter with database to store new posts
4: Camera Interactions (1) With each new post, allow user to take up to 4 images and attach them (2) Application may display thumbnails of those images on the new post form for user to preview them (3) When user will click on a given post on the ListView, open the post detail view and display post details and associated thumbnails (4) When clicked on thumbnail, display full-screen image with back navigation arrow
5: Firebase Integration (1) Integrate HyperGarageSale application with Firebase Services for the following Authentication, Real-time database(Firestore), Storing and retrieving image files (Storage)
- This App nick name in Firebase is called Hyper.
- Use Cloud Firestore as database. The collection name is salelist. The document structure is description: String photos: Array price: String title: String
- The photos are stored in Firebase Storage. the path is /data/.