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Tags: delvatt/ytfzf



Toggle v1.2.0's commit message

* the way video_info_text works has been changed slightly, however they do not work together
* refer to the new video_info_text function in
    * what's different is instead of:
      printf "%-${url_len}.${url_len}s\t" "$shorturl"
    * it is just:
      printf "%s" "$shorturl"

* shortcuts (eg: alt-s to search again if using fzf)
    * alt-l: print the link
    * alt-t: print the title
    * alt-o: open urls in $BROWSER
    * alt-v: watch
    * alt-d: download
    * alt-m: listen
    * alt-s: search again
    * alt-enter: detach
    * these bindings can all be changed, and you can make your own shortcuts (refer to docs/ in the Shortcuts section for more info)
* peertube searches
* see description of videos
* different ways to see thumbnails
* customize what fancy_subs look like with fancy_subscriptions_text
* playlists show in search results
* short description in thumbnail mode
* search history

*for the additions below refer to docs/ for more info*
* customize different ways to sort videos
* able to make custom options (eg --my-option) and it does something
* customize what to do with urls
* customize notifications

* show errors with notify-send with -D if possible
* error messages go to to stderr
* -f works with urls as input

> Change log by @Euro20179


Toggle v1.1.6's commit message


Configure additional actions to any option in the

Format selection for live videos
removed use of eval


Toggle v1.1.5's commit message

==== additions =====
* trending
    * use -T,
    * --trending=tab to specify a specific trending tab
* sorting (--sort)

==== changes ====
* --notification, and --subt now have --notifcation= and --subt=
> log by Euro20179


Toggle v1.1.4's commit message

* use of column command for formatting
emote and other wide characters are formatted

* downloading music with -dm used to download video


Toggle v1.1.3's commit message

- get auto generated subtitiles in available languages
- separate audio player command for audio-only playback
- padding to thumbnails


Toggle v1.1.2's commit message

- cleaner video format selection
- flag to use auto generated subtitles
- import subscriptions from a google account

- redirect search page to bypass redirects, which caused pystardust#183
- removed use of local as it is not posix compliant


Toggle v1.1.1's commit message

* improved formatting: formatting can be set in
* video notification: with flag `-N`
* thumbnail quality: `--thumbnail-quality` can be set to `0` for lower quality thumbnails which load faster
* improved subscriptions urls: channel urls could also be used in subscriptions instead of video page url

* better memory management by using local variables
* more modular code
* use of printf instead of echo

====bug fixes====
* bad directory path in
* zsh compliant syntax


Toggle v1.1.0's commit message

* Subscriptions
    * subscriptions can be set with $subscriptions_file (~/.config/ytfzf/subscriptions by default)
    * a subscription is a link to a channel's video page, eg: (see README)
* multiple urls for input
* channel name, views, etc... has color when using -t
    * this is customizable by changing the thumbnail_video_info_text function in config see docs/ for more info
* thumb_dir is customizable in the config


* not using - for stdin gives error code of 2 instead of 1
* --version now bolds each module, and prints the version of fzf if installed
* more consistent variable names and long opts

====Bug fixes====

* when reading from an external menu, ytfzf threw an error when it shouldn't have
* if -t was given, it didn't check if fzf was installed, it will now
* when -tD was given, it would switch to use fzf, instead it warns about external menus not having thumbnail support then continues
* history_file and current_file didn't work in
* issue with tac on macos
* issue with YTFZF_PLAYER not being parsed correctly


Toggle v1.0.1's commit message


New Features
* -A, selects all results
* --update, and --update-unstable
    * --update will update from the master branch
    * --update-unstable will update from the development branch

Bug fixes
* install location on mac was incorrect
* running multiple sessions would mess up thumbnails


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Initial release