Mapping tool for EVE ONLINE
- Project URL
- Official forum post
- Screenshots
- Videos
- Licence MIT
- Test server
- URL:
- Running current
branch - SISI ESI (make sure to use your test-server client)
- Available for public testing (e.g. new feature,.. )
- Database will be cleared from time to time
- Installation guide:
- Developer Slack chat:
- Please send me a mail for invite: [email protected]
Feel free to check the code for bugs and security issues. Issues should be reported in the Issue section.
|-- [0755] app/ --> backend [*.php]
|-- app/ --> "Fat Free Framework" extensions
|-- lib/ --> "Fat Free Framework"
|-- main/ --> "PATHFINDER" root
|-- config.ini --> config "f3" framework
|-- cron.ini --> config - cronjobs
|-- environment.ini --> config - system environment
|-- pathfinder.ini --> config - pathfinder
|-- requirements.ini --> config - system requirements
|-- routes.ini --> config - routes
|-- [0755] export/ --> static data
|-- csv/ --> *.csv used by /setup page
|-- json/ --> *.json used by /setup page
|-- sql/ --> DB dump for import (pathfinder.sql)
|-- [0755] favicon/ --> Favicons
|-- [0777] history/ --> log files (map history logs) [optional]
|-- [0755] js/ --> JS source files (raw)
|-- app/ --> "PASTHFINDER" core files (not used for production)
|-- lib/ --> 3rd partie extension/library (not used for production)
|-- app.js --> require.js config (!required for production!)
|-- [0777] logs/ --> log files
|-- ...
| -- node_modules/ --> node.js modules (not used for production)
|-- ...
|-- [0755] public/ --> frontend source
|-- css/ --> CSS dist/build folder (minified)
|-- fonts/ --> (icon)-Fonts
|-- img/ --> images
|-- js/ --> JS dist/build folder and source maps (minified, uglified)
|-- templates/ --> templates
|-- sass/ --> SCSS source (not used for production)
|-- [0777] tmp/ --> cache folder
|-- [0755] .htaccess --> reroute/caching rules ("Apache" only!)
|-- [0755] index.php
CI/CD config files:
|-- .jshintrc --> "JSHint" config (not used for production)
|-- composer.json --> Composer package definition
|-- config.rb --> "Compass" config (not used for production)
|-- gulpfile.js --> "Gulp" task config (not used for production )
|-- package.json --> "Node.js" dependency config (not used for production)
|-- --> This file :) (not used for production)
It took me month of time in development until this project got into the first BETA. If you like it, please help to improve it. (report bugs, find security issues,...)