UnLua is a feature-rich, easy-learning and highly optimized scripting solution for UE4. UnLua follows the programming pattern of UE4. UE4 programmers can use it at zero learning cost.
- Access all UCLASS, UPROPETY, UFUNCTION, USTRUCT, UENUM without glue codes.
- Override 'BlueprintEvent' (UFUNCTIONs tagged with 'BlueprintImplementableEvent' or 'BlueprintNativeEvent', All Events/Functions defined in Blueprints) without helper codes.
- Override Replication Notify without helper codes.
- Override Animation Notify without helper codes.
- Override Input Event without helper codes.
- Simple solution to export classes, member variables, member functions, global functions and enums outside the reflection system statically.
- Highly optimized UFUNCTION invoking (including persistent parameters buffer, optimized local function invoking, optimized parameters passing, optimized output values handling).
- Optimized containers (TArray, TSet, TMap) accessing. There is no conversion between Lua table and containers.
- Optimized structure accessing.
- Support default parameters of UFUNCTION (tagged with 'BlueprintCallable' or 'Exec') parameters.
- Support customized collision enums.
- Support server/clients simulation in editor.
- Support exporting Lua template file for blueprints.
- Support calling Latent functions in Lua coroutines.
- UnLua. Main 'Runtime' module.
- UnLuaEditor. 'Editor' module includes editor extention (Lua template exporting) and a commandlet.
- UnLuaDefaultParamCollector. 'Program' module to collect default parameters for UFUNCTION.
- UnLuaIntelliSense. 'Program' module to generate IntelliSense (symbols) of all UCLASS, UPROPETY, UFUNCTION, USTRUCT, UENUM for a private IDE (which will be PUBLIC soon). It's disabled by default.
Unreal Engine 4.17.x - Unreal Engine 4.23.x
NOTE: build.cs files need tiny modifications under 4.17.x and 4.18.x.
- Create a new Blueprint.
- Implement 'UnLuaInterface'.
- Return a Lua file path (relative to 'Content/Script') in 'GetModuleName'.
- Create Lua template.
- Generated Lua template.
- Add Lua codes to Lua template.
- UnLua is distributed under the terms of the MIT license