A ROS package offering an autonomous flight including waypoint navigation with a quadcopter using ArUco markers
Clone repository and compile it
git clone https://github.com/denkrau/ar_nav.git
catkin_make ar_nav
This builds two nodes. The correct node for hovering is single
and for waypoint navigation multi
The following packages are necessary in order to run ar_nav
- ar_nav
- crazyflie_ros
- tud_img_prep
If necessary, edit the marker board files in /data/
before running the node with
rosrun ar_nav single [params]
rosrun ar_nav multi [params]
Due to the many parameters, the recommended way is using the launch files with
roslaunch ar_nav ar_nav_prep_single.launch
roslaunch ar_nav ar_nav_prep_multi.launch
For optimal functionality use this package in combination with modified crazyflie_ros.
- marker_pose
- cf_pose
- debug_pose
- next_waypoint
<std_srvs::Empty::Request&, std_srvs::Empty::Response&>
- prev_waypoint
<std_srvs::Empty::Request&, std_srvs::Empty::Response&>
- marker_pose_topic
- world_frame
- cf_frame
- waypoints
(seperated by|
) - method