ANDwatch monitors Arp (IPv4) and Neighbor Discovery (IPv6) packets, maintains a database of IP address to hardware address (Ethernet) mappings, and issues notifications when the hardware address of an IP address changes.
ANDwatch is intended as a modern replacement for arpwatch. When contrasted with arpwatch, ANDwatch offers the following enhancements:
- Support for IPv6 addresses.
- Support for all IEEE MAC Address Blocks:
- 24 bit Large MAC Address Block MA-L.
- 28 bit Medium MAC Address Block MA-M (new).
- 36 bit Small MAC Address Block MA-S (new).
- Identification of private (locally administered) hardware addresses.
- Allows queries for both current and historical ip / hardware address information.
- Does not use a hardcoded notification mechanism (sendmail).
By default, ANDwatch creates its data files in /var/lib/andwatch. This can be overridden by using the -L option with any of the ANDwatch executables.
Before using ANDwatch, you must create the MAC Address database in the library directory. See ANDwatch update MAC Addresses below for details.
The ANDwatch daemon monitors an interface, maintains the IP address / hardware address map, and provides notifications when the map changes.
The usage of andwatchd is:
andwatchd [-h] [-f] [-s] [-n cmd] [-p file] [-L dir] [-O days] [-P] [-S len] ifname
Option | Description |
-h | Display help. |
-f | Run in foreground. By default, andwatchd runs in the background. |
-s | Log notifications via syslog rather than stdout. |
-n | Notify command. |
-p | Process id file name. |
-F | Additional pcap filter. |
-L | Directory for database files (default: /var/lib/andwatch). |
-O | Number of days before deleting old records (default: 30). |
-P | Enable promiscuous mode. |
-S | Snapshot length for pcap (default/minimum: 86). |
ifname is the name of the interface to monitor.
If a notify command is specified, the command will be invoked as:
cmd date_time ifname hostname ipaddr new_hwaddr new_hwaddr_org old_hwaddr old_hwaddr_org
The additional pcap filter may be used to exclude networks or hosts from monitoring. For example, the following:
-F 'not net fe80::0/10 and not net fc00::0/7'
would exclude IPv6 link local and private addresses from being monitored by andwatchd.
For details on tcpdump/pcap filter formats, see the pcap-filter man page.
ANDwatch Query provides queries of the live ANDwatch database.
The usage of andwatch-query is:
andwatch-query [-h] [-a] [-4 | -6] [-L dir] ifname [ipaddr | hwaddr]
Option | Description |
-h | Display help. |
-a | Select all records rather than just current records. |
-4 | Limit results to IPv4 only. |
-6 | Limit results to IPv6 only. |
-L | directory for library files (default: /var/lib/andwatch). |
ifname is the name of the interface to query.
ipaddr or hwaddr is the IP or hardware (Ethernet) address to query. If neither an IP or hardware address is given, andwatch-query will select all records.
The output of andwatch-query contains the following fields:
field | description |
date time | Timestamp when the record was created. |
age | Days since the record was last updated. |
hostname | The hostname corresponding to the IP address of the record. |
IPaddr | The IP address of the record. |
HWaddr | The hardware (Ethernet) address of the record. |
MA org | Organization name of the MAC Address assignment. |
The andwatch-update-ma utility downloads the MAC address assignment files from IEEE, saves them in the library directory, and then creates or updates the ANDwatch MAC Address database in the library directory (/var/lib/andwatch/ma_db.sqlite).
The usage of andwatch-update-ma is:
andwatch-update-ma [-h] [-D] [-L dir]
Option | Description |
-h | Display help. |
-D | Skip downloading of the MAC Address csv files from IEEE. |
-L | Directory for library files (default: /var/lib/andwatch). |
-U | User agent for http (default: ANDwatch/1.0.0). |
If you prefer to download the csv files manually, place the files in the library directory as shown below, then use the -D option to skip the download. -> /var/lib/andwatch/ma_l.csv -> /var/lib/andwatch/ma_m.csv -> /var/lib/andwatch/ma_s.csv
- You must create the MAC Address database before you can use any of the other ANDwatch commands.
- The MAC Address database should be updated periodically via cron or other mechanism. Once per month is likely sufficient.
- There is no need to stop the ANDwatch daemon to update the MAC Address database.
Query MAC Address database
The usage of andwatch-query-ma is:
andwatch-query-ma [-h] [-L dir] hwaddr
Option | Description |
-h | Display help. |
-L | directory for library files (default: /var/lib/andwatch). |
hwaddr is the hardware address you want to query.
ANDwatch relies on the following external packages:
- sqlite3 3.25 (September 2018) or above
- libpcap 1.9.0 (June 2018) or above
- curl 7.32.0 (August 2013) or above