Clean your macOS with a script, not an expensive app
A minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up
A small Arduino library for setting up WiFi and OTA (Over The Air)
This is external programming for ESP32-Cam that you can simple attach it for easy upload your code to ESP32-Cam
This repository contains the official firmware for Meshtastic, an open-source, off-grid mesh communication system.
Demos showing how to use CircuitPython displayio driver for GC9A01 round LCDs
🥧 HTTPie CLI — modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more.
A Direct Threaded Forth for the WDC W65C265SXB developer board
A Direct Threaded Forth for the WDC W65C816SXB developer board
A 65c816 Soft Core SoC with Serial SRAM Driver (23LC512). Xilinx Arty A7 Target.
Tiny Pascal and Assembler for the Ben Eater's 6502 board
Emulate 6502-based microcomputer systems in Python
A tool for hacking a W65C265SXB
A simple 6502 machine language disassembler written in Python.
A stealth AirTag clone that bypasses all of Apple's tracking protection features
Build scripts for Arlet's 6502 on iCE40HX1K