Pyspark Jupyter Notebook Daemon on Cloudera CDH
This repository contains files to support the execution of Jupyter notebooks for Pyspark as a daemon on a Cloudera CDH Cluster using the anaconda parcels.
Assuming you have installed anaconda to your CDH cluster using the following guide(s)
To enable the Jupyter notebook as a service on a host, as root:
copy the pyspark-jupyter-cdh
file to /etc/init.d
and copy the
file to /usr/local/sbin
then chmod +x /etc/init.d/pyspark-jupyter-cdh
and chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/
(ensure the user you wish to use for the daemon has sufficient permissions to execute /usr/local/sbin/
If you have installed the anaconda using parcel at defaults the service should operate without changes as the hdfs user.
Otherwise edit the /etc/init.d/pyspark-jupyter-cdh
file and change the values below as you desire
export DAEMON_USER=hdfs
export DAEMON_NAME=pyspark-jupyter-cdh
export DAEMON_PATH=/var/jupyter
export DAEMON_PORT=8880
Start the service
service pyspark-jupyter-cdh start
Auto start the service
chkconfig pyspark-jupyter-cdh on
Point your web browser to your notebook server at http://hostname.domainname:8880
##Using Matplot When importing matplotlib, add the following to the beginning of your python code
%matplotlib notebook