React-Native Jenkins Client for iOS and Android
Check out the documentation for the project.
Clone the repo:
git clone
Change directories into the repo:
cd jenkins
Install the npm application:
npm install
If you run into an issue building the project, check out React's issues page. You may need to go into XCode and doubleclick on the RCTWebSocket project in your navigator and remove the flags under build settings > custom compiler flags.
Make sure you're in the project folder. If not, change directories into the folder:
cd jenkins
Run Build: See Facebook's official instructions on getting started for your mobile and development OS instructions
- CFBundleIdentifier
- Typically the result of another process running on the same port. To resolve this find the PID for the process on port 8081
- run lsof -n -i4TCP:8081 which should return any process running on 8081.
- run kill -p PID - where PID is the PID of the process identified by the command above.
- CFBundleIdentifier