A non-complex list app for things that make you go whaaat!!!
npm i -g whaaat
In your command line run: whaaat
to intiallize a a whaaat.json file in you home directory
Created file location:
You are now ready to get your WHAAAT on! Happy whaaating!!
You can use whaaat or w
The following example use w
w --help
whaaat "What to add to WHAAATs"
--edit, -e Edit/Delete WHAAATs
--limit, -l <number> Limit the number of WHAAATs to display
whaaat "This is a WHAAAT"
whaaat "https://destin.io"
whaaat --edit
whaaat --limit 4
# Create a whaaat
w "This is a string whaaat"
w This is a non quoted whaaat
# OR run
# OR
# List last 5 ssed whaaats
w --limit 5
# Delete WHAAATs
w --edit