Create React component from string
# with npm
$ npm install string-to-react-component @babel/standalone --save
# with yarn
yarn add string-to-react-component @babel/standalone
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// This will create a global function StringToReactComponent
import StringToReactComponent from 'string-to-react-component';
function App() {
return (
const {useState}=React;
const [counter,setCounter]=useState(0);
const increase=()=>{
return (<>
<button onClick={increase}>+</button>
<span>{'counter : '+ counter}</span>
The given code inside the string should be a function.
The code inside the string is executed in the global scope, so imported objects from
package includinguseState
, ... are not accessible inside it and you can get them fromReact
global variable or pass them as props to the component :
import {useState} from 'react';
import StringToReactComponent from 'string-to-react-component';
function App() {
return (
<StringToReactComponent data={{useState}}>
console.log(typeof useState); // undefined
console.log(typeof React.useState); // function
console.log(typeof props.useState); // function
import StringToReactComponent from 'string-to-react-component';
import MyFirstComponent from 'path to MyFirstComponent';
import MySecondComponent from 'path to MySecondComponent';
function App() {
return (
<StringToReactComponent data={{MyFirstComponent, MySecondComponent}}>
const {MyFirstComponent, MySecondComponent}=props;
return (<>
- type : object
- not required
object is passed to the component(which is generated from the string) as props
- type : object
- not required
- See the full option list here
- examples :
- using source map :
<StringToReactComponent babelOptions={{filename: 'counter.js', sourceMaps: 'inline'}}> {`(props)=>{ const {useState}=React; const [counter,setCounter]=useState(0); const increase=()=>{ setCounter(counter+1); }; return (<> <button onClick={increase}>+</button> <span>{'counter : '+ counter}</span> </>); }`} </StringToReactComponent>
- using typescript :
<StringToReactComponent babelOptions={{filename: 'counter.ts', presets: [['typescript', {allExtensions: true, isTSX: true}]]}}> {`()=>{ const [counter,setCounter]=React.useState<number>(0); const increase=()=>{ setCounter(counter+1); }; return (<> <button onClick={increase}>+</button> <span>{'counter : '+ counter}</span> </>); }`} </StringToReactComponent>
- using source map :
This plugin does not use eval
function, however, suffers from security and might expose you to XSS attacks
To prevent XSS attacks, You should sanitize user input before storing it.
$ npm run test