Useful Recommended Resources and Packages for Angular (Not AngularJS). This is apart from the Angular, Angular-CLI, and Angular Component Development Kit projects. Pull request welcome for good packages and resouces for Angular.
- Angular Material UI Framework and Kit Framework and Component Kit (Free)
- Angular Material UI Framework and Kit
- Angular Bootstrap Widgets Angular widgets built from the ground up using only Bootstrap 4 CSS (Free)
- ngx-bootstrap Good UI Component Kit (Free)
- PrimeNG Good Customizable UI Component Kit (Free and Paid)
- Ant Design Specification Framework Ant Design Specification Framework for Angular
- KENDO UI KIT Good UI Component Kit (Pro)
- Syncfusion Good UI Component Kit (Pro)
- CoreUI Admin UI Bootstrap Based Template UI template (Free / Pro)
- Material Design for Bootstrap UI Template Angular Material Design for Bootstrap 4 Template - UI Kit (Free / Pro)
- ngx-contextmenu - Nice - Well implemented Context menu (Bootstrap based but easily customizable)
- ngx-handsontable Good Excel like Spreadsheet with Wrapper for Angular
- ngx-markdown Angular Markdown Parser
- ngx-markdown Angular Markdown Parser
- ngx-markdown-editor Angular Markdown Parser
- ngx-charts Angular CHarts based on D3
- ngx-infinite-scroll Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular
- ngx-dnd Angular drage and drop - Simple and Nested Array objects
- ngx-graph Graph VIsualizations for Angular
- ngx-treeview Angular treeview component with checkbox
- angular2gridster Nice - Angular implementation of well known Gridster
- nativescript-ngx-fonticon Ccustom font icon collections for NativeScript and Angular
- ngx-popper Angular wrapper for popper.js
- angular-popper Popover component for Angular 2+ based on Popper.js library
- ngx-file-drop Angular Desktop file and folder drag and drop
- ngx-simple-modal Simple Modal
- ngx-smart-modal Nice - Modal implementation for Angular - Cross framework
- ngx-multi-modal Multiple Modals for Angular
- ngx-modal Nice - Modal for Angular
- Tooltip Angular Tooltip
- ngx-prism Angular 2+ Prism highlighter
- ngx-daterangepicker-material Angular Material DateRange Picker
- ngx-embed-video Embed Video Package
- mizi-ngx-treeview Angular Tree View Component
- ngx-tour Nice - Product Tour Built in Angular
- ngx-guided-tour Guided tour component using SASS and typescript
- ngx-property-grid Property Grid for Angular
- ngx-cropper Angular5 image plugin, includes upload, cropper, save to server
- ngx-crop-image Crop Image component
- ngx-cropperjs-wrapper Angular 6 cropper.js wrapper
- ng-color Angular ng-color Component for alt="" for image tag
- ngx-particles.js Lightweight particle backgrounds plugin for Angular
- ngx-highlight HTML highlight directive for Angular
- ngx-timeline Timeline component for Angular
- ngx-heyl-progressbar Nice - Progress Bar
- bd2-ngx-polarplot component for plotting data in Cyclic coordinates - PolarPlot
- ngx-drag-to-select A lightweight, fast, configurable and reactive drag-to-select component for Angular
- @ngx-utilities/http-retry @ngx-utilities/http-retry
- ngx-viewer Directive wrapping the amazing Viewer.js library
- ng2-ace-editor Nice wrapper for Ace Editor
- angular-handsontable Angular Wrapper for Handsontable
- ngx-remote-desktop
- ngx-radio radio for ngx [Not Tested - No Docs]
- ngx-geo-info-angular service for Geo coordination
- oai-ts-core Core typescript library to read and manipulate OpenAPI specification definitions
- oai-ts-commands Command layer for the OAI library - used to mutate the OAI data model
- angular-l10n An Angular library to translate messages, dates and numbers
- ng2-translate An implementation of angular translate for Angular 2+
- angular-translator Simple translation service for angular applications
- ngrx Reactive libraries Reactive libraries for Angular. @ngrx/store, @ngrx/effects, @ngrx/router-store, @ngrx/store-devtools, @ngrx/entity, @ngrx/schematics
- mobx-angular State Management for Angular
- ngxs State Management State Management for Angular
- ngx-feature-toggle
- ngx-cookie-service Cookie Management service
- ngx-mqtt Wrapper around MQTT.js for angular
- ngx-auth-firebaseui Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication
- ngx-indexed-db Service that wraps IndexedDB database in an Angular service
- ng-social-login-module Library for Social Login Authentication
- export-to-csv export-to-csv Module
- ngx-http-batcher HTTP batching module to reduce the number of HTTP requests and increase performance
- ngx-webstorage-service provides service wrappers for the Web Storage API
- ngx-jwt-auth Angular authentication library based on JWT
- ngx-toolkit Simple toolkit for Cache, Cookies, DeviceDetatection, Logger, Spring, Common Utilities
- ngx-injection Ngx component injection module
- ngx-globals Basic Global Variable Service ( With Observables/Behaviour Subjects )
- ngx-csv Angular directive to generate a CSV download
- ngx-strength-bar Password Strength Component