To run Reposilite for your personal needs you should assign around 20MB of RAM and at least Java 11+ installed.
For huge public repositories you can adjust memory limit and even size of used thread pools in the configuration.
# Launching a standalone JAR file
$ java -Xmx32M -jar reposilite-3.5.18.jar
# Using the official Docker image
$ docker pull dzikoysk/reposilite:3.5.18
# Using the official Helm chart
$ helm repo add reposilite https://helm.reposilite.com/
$ helm repo update
$ helm install reposilite/reposilite
Visit official guide to read more about extra parameters and configuration details.
Reposilite 3.x:
- Reposilite 3.x / Official Guide
- Reddit / 3.x Thread
- Medium / Setup your own Maven repository manager in 5 minutes
Reposilite 2.x:
- Reposilite 2.x / Official Guide
- Reddit / 2.x Thread
- Dev.to / Publishing your artifacts to the Reposilite - a new self-hosted repository manager
- Medium / Looking for simple repository manager by David Kihato
Thanks to all contributors and people that decided to support my work financially ❤️
Active GitHub Sponsors | andrm, rdehuyss, talismanplatform, amp7368, joshuasing, insertt, GotoFinal, Koressi, tipsy, SirEndii, Kamilkime, that-apex, crejk, Rollczi, Jan Bojarczuk, Petersoj |
All time | milkyway0308, rdehuyss, andrm, amp7368, joshuasing, talismanplatform, zzmgck, insertt, GotoFinal, Koressi, tipsy, mcebular, maxant, alexwhb, Douglas Lawrie, SirEndii, that-apex, Kamilkime, FlawCra, crejk, Rollczi, Zur13, mattwelke, Andreas R., TheFruxz, oskarscot, Szczurowsky, zugazagoitia, EthanDevelops, bmstefanski, neg4n, escv, scheidtp, Lukas P., arthurr0, shitzuu, peter-jerry-ye, Rob, sebba-dev, mufinlive, bopke, asikkema, Jan Bojarczuk, Petersoj |
The list is updated periodically and entries are sorted by aggregated total payment size of the given person.
Recommended tool to develop backend module is IntelliJ IDE, for frontend it might be e.g. VSC.
# Run only backend through CLI
$ ./gradlew run
# Run only frontend
$ cd reposilite-frontend && npm i && npm run full
# Run only Reposilite site
$ cd reposilite-site/website && npm i && npm run start
- Reposilite Backend: Kotlin + Javalin + Exposed (SQL) + AWS SDK + JUnit + Testcontainers + (DDD & Hexagonal Architecture)
- Reposilite Frontend: Vue3 + Vite + WindiCSS + JsonForms
- Reposilite Site: Next.js + Vercel
- Reposilite Backend: Java + Javalin + Groovy (JUnit) + (DDD)
- Reposilite Frontend: Vue2 + Pug + Stylus + TailwindCSS
- Reposilite Site: React.js + Docusaurus v1
Reposilite 1.x
- Reposilite: Java + NanoHTTPD