Cheat Squad is a two player game in which you can only win by cheating.
🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
Sample code for learning redux with hooks by creating an exchange rate calculator
A barebones blog using the Go language and Gorilla Mux router
Multithreaded gravity and freefall simulator in Clojure.
Spring 2021 coding challenge, ASP.NET client and API for a Risk board game. Collaborated in this project with fellow Snow College students.
Hecedu / InkPG
Forked from B-Llage/InkPGAn old school RPG template complete with dialogue system implementing Ink by Inkle in the Unity2D engine.
Store front for my brand, B-Llage. Uses API calls and JQuery to implement a variety of visual effects.