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added: wc command implemented in haskell
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jungleedevansh committed Oct 5, 2023
0 parents commit 6457109
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 0 deletions.
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions wc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
module Main where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Bits (Bits ((.&.), (.|.)))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Distribution.Compat.CharParsing (option)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (FilePath, Handle, IOMode (ReadMode), hClose, hGetChar, openFile, stdin)
import System.IO.Error (isEOFError, tryIOError)

type ErrString = String

data CommandOption = Option Int String

lineOption = Option 1 "l"

wordOption = Option 2 "w"

byteOption = Option 4 "c"

allOption = Option 7 "lwc"

noOption = Option 0 ""

addOption :: CommandOption -> CommandOption -> CommandOption
addOption (Option x a) (Option y b) = Option (x .|. y) $ if (x .&. y) == x then a else a <> b

haveOption :: CommandOption -> CommandOption -> Bool
haveOption (Option x _) (Option y _) = x .&. y == y

type Count = Either IOError (Int, Int, Int)

readLoop :: Handle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO Count
readLoop file lines words chars inWord = do
result <- tryIOError $ hGetChar file
let wordCount = if not inWord then words + 1 else words
charCount = chars + 1
lineCount = lines + 1
counter c
| c == '\n' = readLoop file lineCount words charCount False
| isSpace c = readLoop file lines words charCount False -- covers for \t as well
| otherwise = readLoop file lines wordCount charCount True
in case result of
Left err -> return $ if isEOFError err then Right (lines, words, chars) else Left err
Right c -> counter c

parseArgs :: [String] -> Either ErrString CommandOption -> ([FilePath], CommandOption, Maybe ErrString)
parseArgs args _options
| not (null args) && head (head args) == '-' =
let currentArg = drop 1 $ head args
nextOptionCalc option optionVal
| option == 'l' = addOpt lineOption
| option == 'w' = addOpt wordOption
| option == 'c' = addOpt byteOption
| otherwise = Left $ "illegal argument " ++ show option
addOpt = Right . addOption optionVal

parseOption options option = case options of
Left _ -> options
Right optionVal -> nextOptionCalc option optionVal
nextArgs = drop 1 args
nextOptions = foldl parseOption _options currentArg
in parseArgs nextArgs nextOptions
| otherwise = case _options of
Left err -> ([], noOption, Just err)
Right optionVal ->
( args,
if haveOption optionVal noOption
then allOption
else optionVal,

readFile' :: Handle -> IO Count
readFile' file = do
count <- readLoop file 0 0 0 False
hClose file
return count

main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case parseArgs args $ Right noOption of
(_, _, Just err) -> putStrLn err
(filePaths, _option, Nothing) -> do
files <- getFiles filePaths
iteratedResult <- mapM iterateFile files

let finalFilePaths =
if null filePaths
then [""] -- represents stdin
else filePaths
result = zipWith (getOutput _option) finalFilePaths iteratedResult
defaultCount = fromRight (0, 0, 0)
sumFn (a, b, c) (d, e, f) = (a + d, b + e, c + f)
totalCalc x y =
Right . (sumFn . defaultCount) x $ defaultCount y
totalCount = foldl1 totalCalc iteratedResult
| length files <= 1 = result
| otherwise = result ++ [getOutput _option "total" totalCount]
in traverse_ putStrLn finalResult

iterateFile :: Either IOError Handle -> IO Count
iterateFile (Right handle) = readFile' handle
iterateFile (Left err) = return (Left err)

getFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO [Either IOError Handle]
getFiles [] = return [Right stdin]
getFiles files = mapM getFile files -- not a lazy operatioss

getFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either IOError Handle)
getFile filePath = tryIOError $ openFile filePath ReadMode

getOutput :: CommandOption -> FilePath -> Count -> String
getOutput _ _ (Left err) = show err
getOutput _option filePath (Right (lines, words, chars)) =
let filterFn (option, _) = haveOption _option option
outputFn output (_, count) = output ++ show count ++ " "
fn = foldl outputFn "" . filter filterFn
in fn [(lineOption, lines), (wordOption, words), (byteOption, chars)] ++ filePath

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