Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers....Coding exercise questions are coming soon!!
Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java
Java Coding Problems, published by Packt
This repository consists of the code samples, assignments, and notes for the Java data structures & algorithms + interview preparation bootcamp of WeMakeDevs.
Saga Choregraphy Example using Spring Boot, DynamoDB and SQS on EKS
Kafka cluster as Kubernetes StatefulSet, plain manifests and config
DevOps with Docker course by the University of Helsinki, Course material
A pattern-based approach for learning technical interview questions
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
A collection of code examples from blog posts etc.
A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
Spring Boot & Microservices Basics
List of top best Spring framework Interview questions and answers including Spring Boot, MVC, Security, Core, etc. Most popular important frequently asked questions (FAQ) in spring for Freshers & E…
Questions to ask the company during your interview
Several Coding Patterns for Solving Data Structures and Algorithms Problems during Interviews
A comprehensive Domain-Driven Design example with problem space strategic analysis and various tactical patterns.
Learn Functional Programming with Java using a Hands-on Step by Step Approach
Java 8 tutorial streams and lambdas
Talks at conferences, meetups, hackathons, and more, plus my speaker rider for good measure.
A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript -
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
☄️React Material Admin is a React template built with Material-UI
Devops Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins and Azure Devops