A curated list of awesome EOSIO resources for users and developers.
EOSIO is the most powerful infrastructure for decentralized applications and open source smart contract platform. EOSIO software enables businesses to rapidly build and deploy high-performance and high-security blockchain-based applications.
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Official resources.
- EOS Community
- GitHub
- Technical White Paper
- Bug Bounty Program
- Blog
- StackExchange for Q&A
- YouTube
- Block.one
EdenOS resources.
- Website - Official Website.
- eoscommunity - Official GitHub.
- More Equal Animals Book - Book by Daniel Larimer.
EOSIO learning resources.
- EOSIO Developer Portal - A great place to begin your EOSIO blockchain journey.
- EOS Smart Contract Development Security Best Practices
- EOS Learning Resources - EOS Costa Rica
- ESC - EOS Study Center
- Learn EOS Development - The up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to dapps on the EOS blockchain.
- Elemental Battles - Build a blockchain game. Learn EOSIO.
- Block.one: Getting Started with the EOSIO Blockchain and Smart Contracts - Google Cloud training lab.
- EOSIO Training & Certification - Official EOSIO Training & Certification.
- EOSIO Webinars - Official EOSIO Webinars.
- EOSIO Resource Library - Official EOSIO Resources. Videos, case studies, and other resources to help you learn and grow with EOSIO.
- Learning Blockchain Development with EOS and C++ - Udemy Course.
- Starting with EOS Blockchain for Developers - Udemy Course.
- Building DApps on EOS: A Hands-On Workshop - Workshop.
Various software and tools.
- cleos
- EOSIO/eos - Official GitHub (part of EOSIO).
- Anchor Wallet
- greymass/anchor - Official GitHub.
- Scatter
- GetScatter/ScatterDesktop - Official GitHub.
- EOS Toolkit
- eostoolkit/eostoolkit - Official GitHub.
- SimplEOS
- eosrio/simpleos - Official GitHub.
- EOS Authority Web Wallet
- eoscanada/eosc
- EOS Network Monitor - EOSIO Network Monitor by "CryptoLions". Useful for developers. Scatter friendly.
- eosflare - Popular block explorer includes resource statistics, latest profile actions and statistics about "Top Name Bids" and "Top Voters".
- EOS Tracker - Open Source block explorer includes producers information and account information.
- EOSEssentials/EOSTracker - Official GitHub.
- Bloks - Fast block explorer, can be used for voting. Includes information about block producers and tokens.
- EOSX - Block explorer. Various side chains are supported.
- EOS Vote Proxy Research Portal - Vote Proxy explorer.
Block Producers related software and resources.
- GLASS - EOSIO Block Producer Map.
- cypherglassdotcom/glass - Official GitHub.
- EOS Block Producer Research Portal
All about development on EOSIO platform.
- EOS Studio - Graphic IDE for EOSIO Development.
- EOSIO Web IDE - The Web IDE provides developers with a personal single-node EOSIO blockchain for development and testing purposes, running in the Gitpod.io cloud – and accessible from your web browser.
- Helm charts for EOSIO - EOSIO Nodeos Helm Charts.
- The EOSIO Testnet - Block.one's official EOSIO Testnet. Test on fully-featured EOSIO stable releases.
- Jungle Testnet - The Jungle TestNet was initiated by and has served as sandbox for many development teams and EOS Block Producers since the birth of EOSIO.
- CryptoKylin Testnet - CryptoKylin Testnet is a developer-friendly testnet maintained by a group of EOS Mainnet Block Producers.
- EOSIO/eos - Official EOSIO GitHub repository.
- EOSIO/eos-vm - A Low-Latency, High Performance and Extensible WebAssembly Backend Library.
- EOSIO/eosjs - Official JavaScript SDK.
- EOSIO/eosio-java - Official Java SDK.
- eosiojava API - API documentation.
- EOSIO™ Software Release: Native SDKs for Swift and Java - Article.
- EOSIO/eosio-swift - Official Swift SDK.
- EOSIO SDK for Swift - API documentation.
- EOS.IO Go API library - Go library.
- EOS Java API Wrapper - Java library.
- memtrip/eosreach-android - Kotlin / Android library.
- eosnet - .NET library.
- EOSRPC API Wrapper for Elixir - Elixir library.
- React Native EOS - Native implementation of client to eos blockchain communication.
- Transit API for EOS - Connecting signature providers and dApps through an open-source, modular, and simple standard for EOSIO-based blockchains.
- eosnewyork/eos-transit - Official GitHub.
- The Transit API: Connecting dApps & Signature Providers - Article.
- greymass/eosio - Strongly typed JavaScript library.
- greymass/swift-eosio - Swift SDK with ESR support.
- EOSIO/universal-authenticator-library - A library for allowing apps to easily use different auth providers.
- EOSIO/eosio-webauthn-example-app - Example web app demonstrating EOSIO signing via WebAuthn.
- EOSIO/eosio-reference-chrome-extension-authenticator-app - Chrome extension reference app demonstrating how users could sign transactions using various EOSIO Labs tools.
- EOSIO/eosio-reference-ios-authenticator-app - iOS reference app demonstrating inter-application transaction signing for EOSIO blockchain apps.
- EOSIO/ual-scatter - Authenticator meant to be used with Scatter and Universal Authenticator Library.
- greymass/ual-anchor - Authenticator meant to be used with Anchor and Universal Authenticator Library.
- greymass/anchor-link - Persistent, fast and secure signature provider for EOSIO chains built on top of EOSIO Signing Requests (EEP-7).
- greymass/eosio-signing-request - Library to assist in creating and digesting EOSIO Signing Requests (ESR).
- greymass/eosio-signing-request-java - Java wrapper for the EOSIO Signing Request protocol.
- Demux - Demux is a backend infrastructure pattern for sourcing blockchain events to deterministically update queryable datastores and trigger side effects.
- tokenika/eosfactory - Python-based EOSIO smart-contract development & unit testing framework.
- SwiftyEOS - Framework for interacting with EOS, written in Swift.
- infeos - JavaScript based framework for development, building, deploying and unit testing EOSIO dApps.
- EOSLIME - Truffle like framework for development, deployment and testing on EOS blockchains.
- EOSIO/eosio.cdt - EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) is a suite of tools used to build EOSIO contracts.
- EOSIO/ricardian-template-toolkit - Renderer for the Ricardian Contract specification.
- EOSIO Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) - Ethereum Virtual Machine on EOSIO.
- Elliptic curve cryptography functions (ECC) - Private Key, Public Key, Signature, AES, Encryption / Decryption.
- EOSEssentials/EOSDrops - Airdropping tool for the EOSIO blockchain.
- Octopus - Security Analysis tool for WebAssembly and Blockchain Smart Contracts (BTC/ETH/NEO/EOS).
- greymass/eosio-resources - Tool to assist in network resource calculations.
- greymass/abi2core - Command line utility to convert ABI definitions to greymass/eosio type definitions.
- EOSIO/eosio.contracts - Smart contracts that provide some of the basic functions of the EOSIO blockchain.
- Eosfinex Custody Smart Contract - Eosfinex exchange smart contract.
- Bitfinex blog post about eosfinex - Article.
- EOSIO/eosio-java-android-example-app - Application demonstrating integration with EOSIO-based blockchains using EOSIO SDK for Java.
- poorman.token - EOSIO Token with burning and signup (for making the token RAM cheap).
- EOSEssentials/Scatter-Demos - A set of integration demos using eosjs and Scatter.
- ping-eos - Implementing ping between EOSIO / React.js.
- ipfs-eos-demo - Demo saving text and images to ipfs and storing the hash on the EOSIO blockchain.
- eosnewyork/erp - EOS Resource Planner.
- greymass/anchor-link-demo - Example VueJS application integrating greymass/anchor-link.
- greymass/anchor-link-demo-multipass - Example ReactJS application integrating greymass/anchor-link.
- greymass/ual-anchor-demo - Example ReactJS application integrating greymass/ual-anchor.
- greymass/eosio-signing-request-demo - Example generating transactions using greymass/eosio-signing-request.
- Patroneos - RPC Checkpoint for EOSIO nodes.
- Cypherglass WINDSHIELD - A dashboard tool for monitoring internal Block Producer infrastructure.
- pete001/eos-bp-failover - EOSIO Block Producer Failover Scripts.
- eosdetroit/bp-playbook - A set of playbooks to make managing EOS.IO nodes easier.
- eoseoul/eos-ramcost - Adjusting supply of a token and connector balance of bancor during final phase of boot.
- Community Developer Tools - Official EOSIO "Community Developer Tools" page.
- cleos-auto-completion - Command auto-completion for EOSIO cleos.
- EOS-Sync - Syncing the EOSIO blockchain data to mongodb database.
- OracleChain/EOSBenchTool - A client side tool for EOS performance testing.
- breakstring/savemyeosram - Saving RAM on EOS.
- Daniel Larimer - Blog of Daniel Larimer, founder of EOSIO.
- cc32d9 - cc32d9 blog, EOSIO developer related publications.
- cmichel - Christoph Michel blog, EOSIO developer related publications.
- Blockgenic - Blockgenic blog, firm focused on Enterprise adoption of blockchain technology. Learning resources.
- Dallas Rushing - Blog of Dallas Rushing, EOSIO user related content.
- Iang - Blog of Iang, EOSIO user and developer related content.
- EOS Canada - EOS Canada blog, user related content and videos.
- Cypherglass - Cypherglass blog, user related content and videos. News.
- EOS New York - EOS New York blog, user and developer related content.
- EOS Go - ESO Go community meetings, podcasts, live streams. News and discussions.
- Investing with a difference - EOSIO ecosystem overview, news and market discussions.
- Dallas Rushing - Dallas Rushing channel. User related content and news.
- nsjames - Scatter related content.
- Crypto Dunker - Crypto Dunker channel. EOSIO DApps related content and news.
- EOS Authority - EOS Authority. Useful tutorials, developers related.
- Jackson Kelley - Developer related content.
- CodingWithCrypto - Developer related content.
- Filip Martinsson - Developer related content.
DApp resources.
- King Of EOS
- MrToph/KingOfEos - Official GitHub.
- Introducing King of EOS - Article.
- Learnings from building my first dapp on EOS blockchain - Article.
- MonsterEOS
- MonsterEOS/monstereos - Official GitHub.
- EveripediaNetwork/Everipedia - The Everipedia Network protocol.
- eosfilestore - Immutable, censorship resistant, cheap, file storage on EOSIO blockchain.
- kesar/decentwitter - Decentralized Twitter on EOS.