Make sure to edit to point to your mysql instance.
Install dependencies with pip/venv
cd coursera-backend-capstone
python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
OR install dependencies with pipenv
pipenv shell
Then run
cd littlelemon
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
You can also run tests with:
python test
How to see the static files: http://localhost:8000/restaurant
How to access admin portal http://localhost:8000/admin/
There is a postman collection v2 you can import to guide your testing.
Auth GET http://localhost:8000/auth/users/ POST http://localhost:8000/api-token-auth/
Menu Items GET http://localhost:8000/restaurant/menu POST http://localhost:8000/restaurant/menu
GET http://localhost:8000/restaurant/menu/2 PUT http://localhost:8000/restaurant/menu/1 DELETE http://localhost:8000/restaurant/menu/1
Booking (all end with slash) GET http://localhost:8000/restaurant/booking/tables/ POST http://localhost:8000/restaurant/booking/tables/
GET http://localhost:8000/restaurant/booking/tables/2/ PUT http://localhost:8000/restaurant/booking/tables/1/ DELETE http://localhost:8000/restaurant/booking/tables/1/