VoiceRecorderKit Public
An Audio Recorder + Player built using SwiftUI, GestureState and AVFoundation.
CombinePokemon Public
Pokemon Cards fetch using SwiftUI + Combine + MVVM
SwiftUIWebView Public
A UIKit Representable Bridge view for showing Web Views inside your SwiftUI App.
Swift UpdatedMar 13, 2024 -
PagedScrollingView Public
A UIKIt Represantable style view for using paged style scrolling view in SwiftUI.
Swift UpdatedSep 25, 2023 -
CountryKit Public
A picker built using SwftUI containing a list of all countries and their calling codes.
Swift UpdatedJul 11, 2023 -
swift-composable-architecture Public
Forked from pointfreeco/swift-composable-architectureA library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2023 -
chat-sdk-ios Public
Forked from chat-sdk/chat-sdk-iosChat SDK iOS - Open Source Mobile Messenger
Objective-C Other UpdatedJul 5, 2023 -
VoiceRecorder Public
An Audio Recorder and Player built using AVFoundation and saves recording audio files via FileManager.
OpenMovieDB Public
An app that fetches info about random movies based on a random character sent as search query using the OpenMovieDB API
TCAForm Public
A Simple Form app that demonstrates the use of @BindingState and ReducerProtocol in the composable architecture.
Swift UpdatedJun 29, 2023 -
mememe-2.0 Public
An app made as part of the udacity iOS developer nanodegree that allows the user to click images or use their camera to turn an image into a meme and allows them to save the image or share the image.
EmojiPicker Public
An emoji picker made in SwiftUI using common known scalar ranges from the unicode.org website
Student submissions for the WWDC 2022 Swift Student Challenge
UpdatedApr 2, 2023 -
TwitterClone Public
a clone that mimicks the official twitter app for iOS - built using the SwiftUI framework.
currency-exchange Public
A simple currency conversion app for USD,INR,EUR and GBP that uses real time rate values from alphavantage.co via their API by downloading real time JSON values, along with that the user can also s…
ChatGPTSwiftUI Public
An app built using SwiftUI that mimicks the ChatGPT UI and uses it's official API to fetch responses for the user.
NorrisFacts Public
A simple app that fetches random chucknorris "facts" using the chucknorris.io GET REST API.
NewsApp Public
A news app with multiple tabs and search functionality that uses the NewsAPI at https://newsapi.org
Charts Public
A small charts app that creates charts using the new Charts framework
A-Girls-Epiphany Public
My swift app project for this years swift student challenge.
1 UpdatedMay 25, 2022 -
SwiftUI-Splash-Screen Public
A splash screen made in SwiftUI using Lottie animations.
Flying-Lemon---Objc Public
A simple tap to fly game based on the immensely popular 2013 hit flappy bird, where you have to tap the lemon in order to make it fly between the two cacti on the top and bottom of the screen - wri…
UIC-Attendance-System Public
An attendance app for iOS that uses firebase to download the attendance using a login id and password of various subjects for each student along with a table that determines whether if a student is…
flying-lemon Public
A simple tap to fly game based on the immensely popular 2013 hit flappy bird, where you have to tap the lemon in order to make it fly between the two cacti on the top and bottom of the screen.