Welcome to the Golf Hole-in-One Predictor
The Golf Hole-in-One Predictor is a program designed to calculate the likelihood of achieving a hole-in-one based on various golfing and environmental factors. It combines input data such as swing speed, attack angle, wind conditions, distance to the hole, and course conditions to compute a probability using statistical modeling and mathematical formulas.
Golf Hole-in-One prediction
Swing Speed: Measures the speed of the clubhead at the moment of impact.
Distance to the Hole: Considers how far the ball needs to travel to reach the hole.
Probability Calculation:
Uses normalized values and statistical weightage to compute a percentage likelihood of a hole-in-one. Adjusts predictions dynamically based on optimal ranges for each input.
- Real-Time Feedback:
Outputs the calculated probability in a user-friendly format, offering insights into how close conditions are to a perfect shot.
git clone https://github.com/devdugz/GolfPredictor.git
cd GolfPredictor
Web Interface Visit: https://devdugz.github.io/GolfPredictor
Command Line
Enter requested values:
- Club head speed (mph)
- Distance to hole (yards)
Project Structure
├── predictor.h # Core logic header
├── predictor.cpp # Implementation
├── main.cpp # CLI interface
├── test_main.cpp # Unit tests
└── index.html # Web interface
g++ -std=c++14 -DTESTING test_main.cpp predictor.cpp -o test.out -lgtest -lgtest_main -pthread && ./test.out
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git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
MIT License