- Arithmetic expression in a Reverse Polish Notation.
- Combination Sum with a twist.
- Bulls and Cows
- Return maximum length of Rotation Function from an integer array.
- Largest Divisible Subset.
- How to find a perfect Rectangle.
- Scheduling a Course.
- Profitable Path in a Tree.
- Number of Pairs satisfying Inequality.
- Shortest Unsorted continuous Subarray
- Number of ways to arrive at a Destination.
- Longest Happy Prefix
- Seat Arrangement in a SpiceJet Problem - Online OA February ‘22
- Deletions to make an array divisible.
- Substrings containing all three Characters
- Max Points on a Line
- Valid Square
- Factorial with Trailing Zeroes
- Number of Boomerangs (Similar to peacocks question)
- Split Array into Sequences
- Minimum Consecutive Cards to pick up
- Count Good Triplets in Array (Profits in a Startup Question)
- Maximum Points in Archery Competition
- Initial Public Offering
- People and Secret
- Invalid Transactions in an EMI
- All elements of a binary Search Tree
- Rhombus Sums in a GRID
- Nice Pairs in Array (OTT Platforms and John)
- Good People based on Statements
- Fraction to a recurring Decimal
- Increasing Triplet Sequence
- Kth smallest in Lexographical Order
- Magical String
- Non Negative Integers without consecutive ones
- Knight in a Chessboard
- Matching Subsequences
- Genetic Mutation
- Count nodes equal to average of Subtree
- Max matrix Sum
- Stock Price Fluctuation
- Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray
- Game of Dungeon
- People aware of secret
- Kth smallest Trimmed number
- Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets
- Sale and Offers at Flipkart BBD
- Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes
- Winner of the Game
- Finding the Mountain Array
- Number of ways to separate Numbers
- City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance
- Closest Primes in Range
- Top K frequent Words
- Distant Barcodes
- The new game to Play
- Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K
- Max Area of Island
- Custom String Sorting
- House Robber - Very Imp.
- Maximum Consecutive Floors Without Special Floors
- Maximum Good People Based on Statements
- Sort an array
- Fruit into Baskets
- Number of Closed Islands
- Distinct Echo Substrings
- K divisible Array Substrings
- Random Pick with Weight (New Project at Google Play Services)
- Maximum Numbers of Coins you can get
- Network Delay Time
- Matrix Block Sum
- Restore IP Addresses
- Swim in rising Water (Jeff and the rising hat)
- Strictly Palindromic Number
- Max Compatibility Score
- Shuffle an array
- Cheapest Flights with K stops (Flight system in Europe)
- Split String into maximum number of Unique Substrings
- Tweet Count per Frequency
- Maximum sum of hourglass
- Maximum Subarray Min Product (Amazon Fresh and the team)
- Dota2 Senate
- Destroying Asteroids
- Most Popular Video Creator
- Number of Matching Subsequences (The stewart and the puppy)
- Number of ways to reach a position
- Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray
- Top K frequent words
- Last Moment before all ants Fall out
- Generate Random point in a circle