Literacy in shell scripting will save countless hours of repetitive, mundane tasks. Here I store shell-scripts or handy bash one-liners based on what I often use myself. Feel free to use to your advantage (and peril):
Caveat lector: Work in progress!
: example job submission script that conditionally resubmits runs automatically on supercomputers that use theslurm
workload manager.
- Replacing specific contents in a file:
sed -i 's/to_be_replaced/replacement/g' filename
- Use double quotes in case you are passing variables:
sed -i "s/to_be_replaced/${replacement_variable}/g" filename
- (Quick and dirty) one-line looping over directories:
for simdir in $(find $PWD -maxdepth 1 -type d); do cd $simdir ; ACTION ; cd .. ; done
- Note: This will break for folders with spaces in their names. But what UNIX user does that anyway?
- Column extraction:
awk '{print $N}' <filename>
the column (integer) of the source file.- It is convenient to line up a
call using a pipe:grep 'pattern' <filename> | awk '{print $N}'
- Format specs are allowed:
awk '{fprint("%5s,%3s\n",$N1,$N2)}'
are formatted with a certain number of places. Don't forget newlines (\n
- Check the working directory of a specific JobID within
workload managers:scontrol show job <jobID> | grep WorkDir
- Syncing only a specific pattern or extension using
while preserving directory structurersync -ruav --include='*.extension' --include='*/' --exclude='*' source destination
- Converting all
- files to a different format using imagemagick:for ff in *.ppm ; do convert -density 1000 $ff ${ff%.*}.png ; done
-ing data while applying proper group permissionsrsync -a --no-g --chmod=Dg+s,g+w [source] [destination]
- Solving a failed
git push
due to a large file (over 25MB):git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch <relative/path/to/large/file>' --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all