This is a repository with several programs ported to cc65. Each program will have a reference pointing to the original source.
- Hello World: it shows size of different data types/size,free memory left, prototype.
- Ghostbusters Account: it generates accounts for Ghostbusters video game
- Cloak of Darkness: the hello-world text adventure game ported to a8 through Scott Adams engine.
- Roman Numbers: clever solution to convert from base 10 to roman numbers. This solution comes from Knuth's TeX.
- C Pointers: Basic examples of pointers for int, arrays, strings, etc.
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm: Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm implementation.
- Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm: Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm implementation.
- Pi -spigot-: Pi -spigot-
You need to set system:
cl65 -t atari hello.c -o hello.xex
- add more examples :)
- add README to each sample