The following main issues were addressed in the project.
-Repository has been written, but UOW and IoC will be in the future.
-MongoDb atomic operations
-MongoDb Optimistic Concurrency
-Async transactions blocking await explained
-Crud transactions
-XUnit Testing conforms to Integration test structure
-Incremental Sequence
-Process performance monitoring in real life usage
-You can get an image with docker-compose in gcloud environment
-Advanced performance features are not available in the project yet, but you can follow them in the next projects that I will share to this repo.
My philosophy in developing this project, which is the first version, is for performance improvement, and the project is open in this sense.
🔭 I’m currently working on many projects activities
👨💻 Many of my projects are available at bitbucket private repositories because their commercial situation
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💬 Ask me about C# .Net Core, Java, NodeJS, React, Angular
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
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