This project outlines how to write a simple API generic using Node JS and Express.
The following main issues were addressed in the project.
- To be able to create a clean and understandable architecture.
- Repository working with MongoDB database.
- Testable with "Jest".
- Ability to deploy with Swagger. Ability to work with Postman and CURL. Ability to deploy XML-based if necessary.
- Ability to create YAML-based documentation.
- Ability to handle parameters with RequestBody.
- Ability to work with Async (Promise) or Fetch.
- Ability to deploy to Heroku or AWS.
- Ability to use debug operations at every point of the project.
- Ability to work with Hot Reload.
- Ability to play generically with RequestPayload formats.
- Ability to run the entire CRUD process using POST methods.
While searching for answers to a question given in this project, I encountered many bugs and bottlenecks that are used in the community and cause hang-ups. I looked for ideal ways to solve them. I'm sure I still have a lot to improve. In particular, I aim to enter topics such as Cun-currency in later versions.
starting project in development mode: npm run start
starting project in development mode: npm run dev
testing: npm run test
Our project is generally prepared to meet an api method. The structure was completely prepared by me and has not been used anywhere before.
MongoDb atlas cloud structure was used in the project. Atlas works for a limited time and with limited IP access. It is designed to run directly when the connection of the application is changed and when it has permissions.
Jest is used for testing
It can be used both with NodeIDE and added as a script for debug operations.
CURL and Postman were also used during the development phase.
Test catch returns from async operations are intentionally left blank. Because it would be illogical to have a test as well.
Integration has not been added to test topics, only unit test has been implemented
Even the object-mapper is for simplicity and pine is likewise helpful when developing
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