A Go image processing service that provides image transformation, metadata retrieval, and placeholder generation with caching support.
- Image Transformation
- Resize with width/height parameters
- Format conversion (JPEG, PNG, AVIF, WebP)
- High-quality AVIF compression
- Quality control for lossy formats
- Multiple fit modes (cover, contain)
- Image Metadata
- Dimensions (width, height)
- Format detection
- MIME type
- Placeholder Generation
- Base64 encoded low-quality previews
- Configurable dimensions and quality
- Performance
- In-memory caching
- Efficient metadata extraction
- Optimized image processing
Install Go (1.21 or later)
System dependencies:
brew install aom # Required for AVIF support
sudo apt-get install libaom-dev # Required for AVIF support
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/deyshin/openimg-go cd openimg-go
Install dependencies
go mod download
Install Air for hot reloading (optional)
go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
Run with hot reloading:
Or run normally:
go run main.go
GET /api/image?url=<image_url>&w=<width>&h=<height>&fmt=<format>&q=<quality>&fit=<fit>
GET /api/image?url=<image_url>&metadata=true
Example Response:
"width": 800,
"height": 600,
"format": "jpeg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
GET /api/image?url=<image_url>&placeholder=true&w=<width>&h=<height>&q=<quality>
├── main.go # Server and handler implementation
├── internal/
│ ├── cache/ # Caching implementation
│ ├── devserver/ # Development server utilities
│ ├── metadata/ # Image metadata handling
│ ├── transform/ # Image transformation logic
│ ├── validate/ # Input validation
│ └── testdata/ # Test files and examples
└── .air.toml # Air configuration for hot reloading
# Run all tests
CGO_CFLAGS="-Wno-xor-used-as-pow" go test -v ./...
# Run tests for specific package
CGO_CFLAGS="-Wno-xor-used-as-pow" go test -v ./internal/transform
go test -v ./internal/metadata
go test -v ./internal/validate
go test -v ./internal/cache
GO_ENV=development go run main.go