Wodobox SpA
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Practice files from Git Course
HTML UpdatedDec 19, 2023 -
Projects Public
Forked from SaturdaysAI/ProjectsProjects built during AI Saturdays programmes
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedFeb 16, 2023 -
proton-web-sdk Public
Forked from XPRNetwork/proton-web-sdkConnect Frontend Apps to Proton Wallets
TypeScript UpdatedJul 18, 2022 -
flow-py-sdk Public
Forked from janezpodhostnik/flow-py-sdkUnofficial flow blockchain python sdk
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 13, 2022 -
crypto-dappy Public
Forked from bebner/crypto-dappyCryptoDappy is the fastest way to get started with Flow.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 13, 2022 -
Deploying-an-edge-app Public
First app deployed for the Edge AI Fundamentals with OpenVINO™ course in the Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree by Intel Corporation and Udacity.Inc
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 12, 2021 -
Contains information related to the BTS-DT Udacity Course
UpdatedMar 5, 2021 -
GCP-Big-Data-Training Public
Diverse tasks using open spurce frameworks and cloud computing
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2021 -
Webscraping_PRA1 Public
Repositorio que contiene los archivos relacionados con la Práctica 1
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 7, 2020 -
AI6_Latam_NLP_Session_8 Public
Here you can find the notebooks covered during the NLP saturday session
Modularized-Code Public
Python example for working with modules and creating a package
First Project for the Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree by Intel Corporation and Udacity.Inc
JavaScript UpdatedJul 24, 2020 -
Smart-Queuing-System Public
Second Project for the Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree by Intel Corporation and Udacity.Inc
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 24, 2020 -
Final Project for the Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree by Intel Corporation and Udacity.Inc
Python UpdatedJul 24, 2020 -
This repo contains the Udacity proposed projects for the Intel Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree
introtodeeplearning Public
Forked from MITDeepLearning/introtodeeplearningLab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 17, 2020 -
Laboratorio_IoT_AI6_UIO Public
Forked from basaravia/Laboratorio_IoT_AI6_UIOLaboratorio práctico para IoT
Python UpdatedMay 16, 2020 -
raw Public
Forked from rawgraphs/rawgraphs-appThe missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2020 -