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spf13-vim : Steve Francia's Vim Distribution

This is a distribution of vim plugins and tools intended to be run on top of VIM. It is a good starting point for anyone intending to use VIM for development.

Unlike traditional VIM plugin structure, which similar to UNIX throws all files into common directories, making updating or disabling plugins a real mess, spf13-vim 3 uses Vundle to have a well organized vim directory (Similar to mac's app folders). Vundle also ensures that the latest versions of your plugins are installed and makes it easy to keep them up to date.

Great care has been taken to ensure that each plugin plays nicely with others, and optional configuration has been provided for what we believe is the most efficient use.

Lastly (and perhaps, most importantly) It is completely cross platform. It works well on Windows, Linux and OSX without any modifications or additional configurations. If you are using MacVim or Gvim additional features are enabled. So regardless of your environment just clone and run.

spf13-vim version 3?

Wait, did we skip 2? No.. Version 1 was just my config prior to git. Version 2 was all git submodules. Version 3 is Vundle based. Prior to now there wasn't really a need to version them... it was just for me after all. Now hundreds of people are using this, so I figured with a major change I'd actually use version numbers.

Changes from 2 to 3

The biggest change is the switch from using git submodules to using the excellent Vundle system. While git submodules seemed like a good idea at the time, it wasn't. It was always problematic. Additionally because a submodule points to a refspec and not a branch, it was a constant maintenance nightmare to keep everything up to date.

Vundle has an excellent system built on the same principles as Pathogen, but with an integrated installer. Vundle supports git and has very easy configuration which happens in the vimrc file.

There are also a bunch of small changes and a focus on keeping a tighter set of plugins and keeping true to the defaults and standards vim expects. The goal has always been to add functionality without changing all the features, functionality and keystrokes we all love. Using spf13-vim we've kept all the default behaviors (by and large), so if you ever find yourself on a vanilla environment you'll feel right at home.


spf13-vim is built to be completely cross platform. It works equally well on console vim as it does on gVim for Windows, *nix or MacVim.

spf13-vim is dependent on a semi-recent version of VIM and should work well on anything above VIM 7.0.

Git is required for installation. Certain plugins require python or ruby support to be compiled into VIM.

To check if you have python or ruby support run

:echo has('ruby')

If it returns 1 your vim supports ruby.


Easy Installation (*nix only)

curl -o - | sh


Manual Installation

Backup existing vim configuration

today=`date +%Y%m%d`
for i in $HOME/.vim $HOME/.vimrc $HOME/.gvimrc; do [ -e $i ] && mv $i $i.$today; done

Clone spf13-vim from github

git clone --recursive -b 3.0 git:// $endpath
mkdir -p $endpath/.vim/bundle
ln -s $endpath/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s $endpath/.vim ~/.vim

Use ln -s on mac/unix or mklink on windows.

Installing Vundle

git clone $HOME/.vim/bundle/vundle

Install plugins using Vundle

vim +BundleInstall! +BundleClean +q

Optionally build Command-t

cd $HOME/.vim/bundle/Command-t
(rake make) || warn "Ruby compilation failed. Ruby, GCC or rake not installed?"

Installing on Windows

On Windows and *nix Git and Curl are required.

Install msysgit

After installation try running git --version within command prompt (press Win-R, type cmd, press Enter) to make sure all good:

C:\> git --version
git version 1.7.4.msysgit.0

Setup Curl.

Instructions blatently copied from vundle readme Installing Curl on Windows is easy as Curl is bundled with msysgit! But before it can be used with Vundle it's required make curl run in command prompt. The easiest way is to create curl.cmd with this content

@rem Do not use "echo off" to not affect any child calls.

@rem Get the abolute path to the parent directory, which is assumed to be the
@rem Git installation root.
@for /F "delims=" %%I in ("%~dp0..") do @set git_install_root=%%~fI
@set PATH=%git_install_root%\bin;%git_install_root%\mingw\bin;%PATH%

@if not exist "%HOME%" @set HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%
@if not exist "%HOME%" @set HOME=%USERPROFILE%

@curl.exe %*

And copy it to C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\curl.cmd, assuming msysgit was installed to c:\Program Files\Git

to verify all good, run:

C:\> curl --version
curl 7.21.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/1.2.3
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: Largefile NTLM SSL SSPI libz

Updating to the latest version

cd /path/to/spf13-vim/
git pull
vim +BundleInstall! +BundleClean +q


Create ~/.vimrc.local and ~/.gvimrc.local for any local customizations.

For example, to override the default color schemes:

echo color desert  > ~/.vimrc.local
echo color molokai > ~/.gvimrc.local

Fork me on GitHub

I'm always happy to take pull requests from others. A good number of people have already contributed to spf13-vim. Go ahead and fork me.

spf13-vim Features

A highly optimized .vimrc config file

The .vimrc file is suited to programming. It is extremely well organized and folds in sections. Each section is labeled and each option is commented.

It fixes many of the inconveniences of vanilla vim including

  • One config can be used across Windows, Mac and linux
  • Eliminates swap and backup files from littering directories, preferring to store in a central location.
  • Fixes common typos like :W, :Q, etc
  • Setup a solid set of settings for Formatting (change to meet your needs)
  • Setup the interface to take advantage of vim's features including
    • omnicomplete
    • line numbers
    • syntax highlighting
    • A better ruler & status line
    • & more
  • Configuring included plugins


spf13-vim contains a curated set of popular vim plugins, colors, snippets and syntaxes. Great care has been made to ensure that these plugins play well together and have optimal configuration.

Most of the bundles are git submodules facilitating easy updating and configuration.


NERDTree is a file explorer plugin that provides "project drawer" functionality to your vim editing. You can learn more about it with :help NERDTree or checkout my post on NERDTree.

QuickStart Launch using <Leader>e.

Customizations: spf13-vim adds a number of customizations to the core NERDTree:

  • Use <C-E> to toggle NERDTree
  • Use <leader>e or <leader>nt to load NERDTreeFind which opens NERDTree where the current file is located.
  • Ignore '.pyc', '~$', '.swo$', '.swp$', '.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr' files
  • Disallow :eing files into the NERDTree buffer
  • Adding Mirroring... Keep your NERDTree window in sync across your tabs (on by default)
  • If NERDTree is open in the current tab, open it in a new one.
  • In general, assume that there is a single NERDTree buffer on the left and one or more editing buffers on the right


The Command-T plug-in provides an extremely fast, intuitive mechanism for opening files with a minimal number of keystrokes. It's named "Command-T" because it is inspired by the "Go to File" window bound to Command-T in TextMate.

QuickStart Launch using <Leader>t.


This plugin is a tool for dealing with pairs of "surroundings." Examples of surroundings include parentheses, quotes, and HTML tags. They are closely related to what Vim refers to as text-objects. Provided are mappings to allow for removing, changing, and adding surroundings.

Details follow on the exact semantics, but first, consider the following examples. An asterisk (*) is used to denote the cursor position.

  Old text                  Command     New text ~
  "Hello *world!"           ds"         Hello world!
  [123+4*56]/2              cs])        (123+456)/2
  "Look ma, I'm *HTML!"     cs"<q>      <q>Look ma, I'm HTML!</q>
  if *x>3 {                 ysW(        if ( x>3 ) {
  my $str = *whee!;         vlllls'     my $str = 'whee!';

For instance, if the cursor was inside "foo bar", you could type cs"' to convert the text to 'foo bar'.

There's a lot more; check it out at :help surround


NERDCommenter allows you to wrangle your code comments, regardless of filetype. View help :NERDCommenter for all the details.

QuickStart Toggle comments using <Leader>c<space> in Visual or Normal mode.

Customizations: spf13-vim binds command-/ (<D-/>) to toggle comments.


In insert mode, start typing something and hit <TAB> to tab-complete based on the current context.

QuickStart Hit the tab key in Insert mode.


Snipmate provides snippet support similar to TextMate. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a .

Spf13-vim ships with a very large library of snippets for dozens of languages.

For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim, if you type "for" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop in C: >

for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {


To go to the next item in the loop, simply over to it; if there is repeated code, such as the "i" variable in this example, you can simply start typing once it's highlighted and all the matches specified in the snippet will be updated. To go in reverse, use .

QuickStart Type a keyword (try something like class) and hit tab in insert mode.

Git Support (Fugitive)

Fugitive adds pervasive git support to git directories in vim. For more information, use :help fugitive

Use :Gstatus to view git status and type - on any file to stage or unstage it. Type p on a file to enter git add -p and stage specific hunks in the file.

Use :Gdiff on an open file to see what changes have been made to that file

QuickStart :Gstatus (in command mode)

PIV (PHP Integration for VIM)

The most feature complete and up to date PHP Integration for Vim with proper support for PHP 5.3+ including latest syntax, functions, better fold support, etc.

PIV provides

  • PHP 5.3 support
  • Auto generation of PHP Doc (,pd on (function, variable, class) definition line)
  • Autocomplete of classes, functions, variables, constants and language keywords
  • Better indenting
  • Full PHP documentation manual (hit K on any function for full docs)


DelimitMate provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, etc.; besides some other related features that should make your time in insert mode a little bit easier.

Most of the features can be modified or disabled permanently, using global variables, or on a FileType basis, using autocommands. With a couple of exceptions and limitations, this features don't brake undo, redo or history.

QuickStart Enabled by default, just works. see :help delimitmate for options


Ack.vim uses ack to search inside the current directory for a pattern. You can learn more about it with :help Ack

Customizations: spf13-vim rebinds command-shift-f (<D-F>) to bring up :Ack .


Align lets you align statements on their equal signs, make comment boxes, align comments, align declarations, etc.

  • :5,10Align => to align lines 5-10 on =>'s


spf13-vim includes the TagList plugin, which binds :Tlist to an overview panel that lists all ctags for easy navigation.

Customizations: spf13-vim binds <Leader>rt to the ctags command to update tags.

Note: For full language support, run brew install ctags to install exuberant-ctags.

Tip: Check out :help ctags for information about VIM's built-in ctag support. Tag navigation creates a stack which can traversed via Ctrl-] (to find the source of a token) and Ctrl-T (to jump back up one level).


Automated tag generation and syntax highlighting in Vim

Note: Depends on exuberant Ctags. On OSX, For full language support, run brew install ctags to install exuberant-ctags. If you don't have ctags support disable this plugin.

QuickStart CTRL-] while the cursor is on a keyword (such as a function name) to jump to it's definition.

Additional Syntaxes

spf13-vim ships with a few additional syntaxes:

  • Markdown (bound to *.markdown, *.md, and *.mk)
  • Twig
  • Git commits (set your EDITOR to mvim -f)

Color schemes

spf13-vim includes spf13 vim color pack:

  • ir_black
  • molokai
  • peaksea

Use :color molokai to switch to a color scheme.


It also contains a very complete set of snippets for use with snipmate.

Intro to VIM

Here's some tips if you've never used VIM before:



  • VIM has two (common) modes:
    • insert mode- stuff you type is added to the buffer
    • normal mode- keys you hit are interpreted as commands
  • To enter insert mode, hit i
  • To exit insert mode, hit <ESC>

Useful commands

  • Use :q to exit vim
  • Certain commands are prefixed with a <Leader> key, which by default maps to \ by default. Spf13-vim uses let mapleader = "," to change this to , which is in a consistent and convenient location.
  • Keyboard cheat sheet.


The ultimate vim config






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  • Vim Script 94.0%
  • Shell 6.0%