A nice set of protocols that will help logger(s) at being loosely coupled, injectable and testable.
To see the example project, run the following in your terminal:
pod try InjectableLoggers
Just add:
import InjectableLoggers
to the files where you need some injectable logging action.
Depending on how much functionality you want (to expose) from a logger, make a logger conform to one of the following protocols:
All of thes protocols have lightweight and sensible default implementations and make sure you never have to implement more than one of their methods.
extension SomeoneElsesLogger: CanLogMessageAtLevel /* CanLog || CanLogMessage */ {
func log(_ message Any, at: LogLevel) {
//call existing logging functionality here
struct Logger: CanLogMessageAtLevel /* CanLog || CanLogMessage */ {
func log(_ message Any, at: LogLevel) {
//call existing logging functionality here
Depending on which protocols your loggers conform to, you can call the following methods:
logger.log() //Will log "" to default LogLevel if expected
logger.log(42) //Will log 42 to default LogLevel if expected
logger.log("Something not to important", at LogLevel.verbose)
logger.log("Something broke!", at: LogLevel.error)
Bonus! This lib comes with two concrete loggers 🎉
let logger: CanLogMessage = ConsoleLogger()
logger.log() // logs to console: ""
logger.log(42) // logs to console: 42
logger.log("Hi there") // logs to console: "Hi there"
let logger: CanLogMessageAtLevel = Logger(settings: .warningSettings)
logger.log("Some info", atLevel LogLevel.info) //Won't log anything because of settings
logger.log("Something's up") // logs to settings.destination: "⚠️ Something's up"
logger.log("Something went wrong") // logs to settings.destination: "⛔️ Something's up"
Yes, settings has it's own CanLogMessage
instance (ConsoleLogger
by default) which is used for logging all created strings. This not only made Logger
completely testable (and tested) but it also allows you to log to different destinations if needed.
Another bonus! This lib comes with a pretty handy mock logger called MockLogger
class ViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {
var sut: ViewController!
var mockLogger: MockLogger!
override func setUp() {
sut = ViewController()
mockLogger = MockLogger()
// MARK: Single line assertions
func testViewDidLoad() {
sut.logger = mockLogger //Inject mockLogger
XCTAssertEqual(mockLogger.loggedMessages(at: Loglevel.info).last?.message as? String, "viewDidLoad()")
// MARK: More verbose assertions
func testDidReceiveMemoryWarning() {
sut.logger = mockLogger //Inject mockLogger
XCTAssertEqual(mockLogger.loggedMessages.last?.message as? String, "didReceiveMemoryWarning()")
XCTAssertEqual(mockLogger.loggedMessages.last?.level, Loglevel.warning)
For some more advance testing check out the example project.
InjectableLoggers is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'InjectableLoggers'
Menno Lovink, [email protected]
InjectableLoggers is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.