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Remove existential types from the modules
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clarus committed Feb 1, 2021
1 parent f5c01b2 commit 4049275
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Showing 26 changed files with 894 additions and 617 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,6 @@ let to_coq (imports : MonadEval.Import.t list) (ast : t) : SmartPrint.t =
end ^^
begin match ast.content with
| SignatureAxioms signature -> SignatureAxioms.to_coq signature
| Structure structure -> Structure.to_coq false structure
| Structure structure -> Structure.to_coq None structure
end ^^
223 changes: 65 additions & 158 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,20 +61,14 @@ type t =
(** Construct a record giving an expression for each field. *)
| Field of t * PathName.t (** Access to a field of a record. *)
| IfThenElse of t * t * t (** The "else" part may be unit. *)
| Module of (int * t option) Tree.t * (PathName.t * int * t) list
| Module of (PathName.t * int * t) list
(** The value of a first-class module. *)
| ModuleNested of (string option * PathName.t * t) list
(** The value of a first-class module inside another module
(no existentials). There may be error messages.
TODO: see if still useful. *)
| ModuleCast of int Tree.t * MixedPath.t
(** The cast of a module to another module type with potentially more
existentials. *)
| ModulePack of t (** Pack a module. *)
| ModulePack of (int Tree.t * t) (** Pack a module. *)
| Functor of Name.t * Type.t * t
(** A functor. *)
| TypeAnnotation of t * Type.t
(** Annotate with a type. *)
(* TODO: check if still in use. *)
| Cast of t * Type.t
(** Force the cast to a type (with an axiom). *)
| Assert of Type.t * t (** The assert keyword. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,25 +165,11 @@ let rec get_include_name (module_expr : module_expr) : Name.t Monad.t =

let build_module
(params_arity : int ModuleTypParams.t)
(params_arity : int Tree.t)
(values : ModuleTypValues.t list)
(signature_path : Path.t)
(mixed_path_of_value_or_typ : Name.t -> MixedPath.t Monad.t)
: t Monad.t =
let* module_typ_params =
params_arity |> (function
| Tree.Item (name, arity) ->
let* mixed_path = mixed_path_of_value_or_typ name in
return (Tree.Item (
(arity, Some (Variable (mixed_path, [])))
| Module (name, tree) ->
return (Tree.Module (
name, (fun arity -> (arity, None)) tree
) in
let* fields =
values |> (function
| ModuleTypValues.Value (value, nb_free_vars) ->
Expand All @@ -201,30 +181,19 @@ let build_module
Variable (mixed_path, [])
| Module modul ->
let* field_name =
PathName.of_path_and_name_with_convert signature_path modul in
return (
Variable (
MixedPath.Access (PathName.of_name [] modul, [], false),
| ModuleFunctor functo ->
| Module name | ModuleFunctor name ->
let* field_name =
PathName.of_path_and_name_with_convert signature_path functo in
PathName.of_path_and_name_with_convert signature_path name in
return (
Variable (
MixedPath.PathName (PathName.of_name [] functo),
MixedPath.PathName (PathName.of_name [] name),
) in
return (Module (module_typ_params, fields))
return (Module fields)

let rec smart_return (operator : string) (e : t) : t Monad.t =
match e with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,8 +562,10 @@ let rec of_expression (typ_vars : Name.t Name.Map.t) (e : expression)
"Creation of objects is not handled"
| Texp_pack module_expr ->
let* module_typ_params =
ModuleTypParams.get_module_typ_typ_params_arity module_expr.mod_type in
push_env (of_module_expr typ_vars module_expr None) >>= fun e ->
return (ModulePack e)
return (ModulePack (module_typ_params, e))
| Texp_letop {
let_ = { bop_op_path; bop_exp; _ };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -907,12 +878,7 @@ and of_module_expr
PathName.compare_paths local_module_type_path module_type_path in
return (comparison = 0) in
if are_module_paths_similar then
return (
ModuleCast (
return (Variable (mixed_path, []))
let* values = ModuleTypValues.get typ_vars module_type in
let mixed_path_of_value_or_typ (name : Name.t)
Expand All @@ -924,7 +890,7 @@ and of_module_expr
name in
return (MixedPath.Access (base, [field], false))
return (MixedPath.Access (base, [field]))
| None ->
let* path_name =
PathName.of_path_and_name_with_convert path name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -964,10 +930,12 @@ and of_module_expr
| Tmod_functor (parameter, e) ->
let* e = of_module_expr typ_vars e None in
begin match parameter with
| Named (ident, _, module_type_arg) ->
| Named (ident, _, module_typ_arg) ->
let* x = Name.of_optional_ident false ident in
let* module_type_arg = ModuleTyp.of_ocaml module_type_arg in
return (Functor (x, ModuleTyp.to_typ module_type_arg, e))
let id = Name.string_of_optional_ident ident in
let* module_typ_arg = ModuleTyp.of_ocaml module_typ_arg in
let* (_, module_typ_arg) = ModuleTyp.to_typ [] id false module_typ_arg in
return (Functor (x, module_typ_arg, e))
| Unit -> return e
| Tmod_apply (e1, e2, _) ->
Expand All @@ -976,10 +944,6 @@ and of_module_expr
match e1_mod_type with
| Mty_functor (Named (_, module_typ_arg), _) -> Some module_typ_arg
| _ -> None in
let module_typ_for_application =
match e1_mod_type with
| Mty_functor (_, module_typ_result) -> Some module_typ_result
| _ -> None in
of_module_expr typ_vars e1 None >>= fun e1 ->
let* es =
match e1_mod_type with
Expand All @@ -988,47 +952,13 @@ and of_module_expr
let* e2 =
of_module_expr typ_vars e2 expected_module_typ_for_e2 in
return [Some e2] in
let application = Apply (e1, es) in
begin match (module_type, module_typ_for_application) with
| (None, _) | (_, None) -> return application
| (Some module_type, Some module_typ_for_application) ->
ModuleTypParams.get_module_typ_typ_params_arity module_type
>>= fun module_typ_params_arity ->
ModuleTypParams.get_module_typ_typ_params_arity module_typ_for_application
>>= fun module_typ_params_arity_for_application ->
if module_typ_params_arity = module_typ_params_arity_for_application then
return application
let functor_result_name = Name.of_string_raw "functor_result" in
return (
LetVar (
ModuleCast (
MixedPath.Access (
{ path = []; base = functor_result_name },
return (Apply (e1, es))
| Tmod_constraint (module_expr, mod_type, annotation, _) ->
let module_type =
match module_type with
| Some _ -> module_type
| None -> Some mod_type in
of_module_expr typ_vars module_expr module_type >>= fun e ->
begin match annotation with
| Tmodtype_implicit -> return e
| Tmodtype_explicit module_type ->
ModuleTyp.of_ocaml module_type >>= fun module_type ->
return (TypeAnnotation (e, ModuleTyp.to_typ module_type))
of_module_expr typ_vars module_expr module_type
| Tmod_unpack (e, _) ->
of_expression typ_vars e >>= fun e ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1224,7 +1154,7 @@ and of_include
Variable (
MixedPath.Access (module_path_name, [signature_path_name], false),
MixedPath.Access (module_path_name, [signature_path_name]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1292,23 +1222,27 @@ let rec to_coq (paren : bool) (e : t) : SmartPrint.t =
| Apply (e_f, e_xs) ->
let (missing_args, all_args, _) =
(fun (missing_args, all_args, index) e_x ->
match e_x with
| None ->
let missing_arg = !^ ("x_" ^ string_of_int index) in
(missing_args @ [missing_arg], all_args @ [missing_arg], index + 1)
| Some e_x -> (missing_args, all_args @ [to_coq true e_x], index)
([], [], 1) e_xs in
Pp.parens paren (nest (
begin match missing_args with
| [] -> empty
| _ :: _ -> !^ "fun" ^^ separate space missing_args ^^ !^ "=>" ^^ space
end ^-^
nest (separate space (to_coq true e_f :: all_args))
begin match e_f with
| Apply (e_f, e_xs') -> to_coq paren (Apply (e_f, e_xs' @ e_xs))
| _ ->
let (missing_args, all_args, _) =
(fun (missing_args, all_args, index) e_x ->
match e_x with
| None ->
let missing_arg = !^ ("x_" ^ string_of_int index) in
(missing_args @ [missing_arg], all_args @ [missing_arg], index + 1)
| Some e_x -> (missing_args, all_args @ [to_coq true e_x], index)
([], [], 1) e_xs in
Pp.parens paren (nest (
begin match missing_args with
| [] -> empty
| _ :: _ -> !^ "fun" ^^ separate space missing_args ^^ !^ "=>" ^^ space
end ^-^
nest (separate space (to_coq true e_f :: all_args))
| Return (operator, e) ->
Pp.parens paren @@ nest @@ (!^ operator ^^ to_coq true e)
| InfixOperator (operator, e1, e2) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1469,52 +1403,28 @@ let rec to_coq (paren : bool) (e : t) : SmartPrint.t =
indent (to_coq false e2) ^^ newline ^^
!^ "else" ^^ newline ^^
indent (to_coq false e3))
| Module (module_typ_params, fields) ->
let module_typ_params =
module_typ_params |> (fun (arity, typ) ->
let typ =
match typ with
| None -> !^ "_"
| Some typ -> to_coq true typ in
(arity, typ)
) in
to_coq_exist_t paren module_typ_params (
group (
!^ "{|" ^^ newline ^^
indent (separate (!^ ";" ^^ newline) (fields |> (fun (x, nb_free_vars, e) ->
nest (
group (
nest (
PathName.to_coq x ^^
begin match nb_free_vars with
| 0 -> empty
| _ -> nest (separate space (Pp.n_underscores nb_free_vars))
) ^^
!^ ":="
) ^^
to_coq false e)
)) ^^ newline ^^
!^ "|}"
| ModuleNested fields ->
Pp.parens paren @@ nest (
| Module fields ->
group (
!^ "{|" ^^ newline ^^
indent @@ separate (!^ ";" ^^ newline) (fields |> (fun (error_message, x, e) ->
(match error_message with
| None -> empty
| Some error_message -> Error.to_comment error_message ^^ newline) ^^
nest (PathName.to_coq x ^-^ !^ " :=" ^^ to_coq false e)
indent (separate (!^ ";" ^^ newline) (fields |> (fun (x, nb_free_vars, e) ->
nest (
group (
nest (
PathName.to_coq x ^^
begin match nb_free_vars with
| 0 -> empty
| _ -> nest (separate space (Pp.n_underscores nb_free_vars))
) ^^
!^ ":="
) ^^
to_coq false e)
)) ^^ newline ^^
!^ "|}"
| ModuleCast (module_typ_params_arity, module_path) ->
let module_typ_params =
module_typ_params_arity |> (fun arity -> (arity, !^ "_")) in
to_coq_exist_t paren module_typ_params (MixedPath.to_coq module_path)
| ModulePack e -> parens @@ nest (!^ "pack" ^^ to_coq true e)
| ModulePack (modul_typ_params, e) ->
Pp.parens paren @@ nest (to_coq_exist_s modul_typ_params (to_coq true e))
| Functor (x, typ, e) ->
Pp.parens paren @@ nest (
!^ "fun" ^^
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1638,20 +1548,17 @@ and to_coq_cast_existentials

and to_coq_exist_t
(paren : bool)
(module_typ_params : (int * SmartPrint.t) Tree.t)
(e : SmartPrint.t)
and to_coq_exist_s (module_typ_params : int Tree.t) (e : SmartPrint.t)
: SmartPrint.t =
let arities =
Tree.flatten module_typ_params |> (fun (_, (arity, _)) -> arity) in (fun (_, arity) -> arity) in
let typ_names =
Tree.flatten module_typ_params |> (fun (_, (_, doc)) -> doc) in (fun _ -> !^ "_") in
let nb_of_existential_variables = List.length typ_names in
Pp.parens paren @@ nest (
!^ "existT" ^^
nest (
!^ "existS" ^^
parens (nest (
!^ "A :=" ^^
Pp.primitive_tuple_type ( Pp.typ_arity arities)
Expand Down
12 changes: 3 additions & 9 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Monad.Notations

(** [Access] corresponds to projections from first-class modules. *)
type t =
| Access of PathName.t * PathName.t list * bool
| Access of PathName.t * PathName.t list
| PathName of PathName.t

(** Shortcut to introduce new local variables for example. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ let of_path (is_value : bool) (path : Path.t) : t Monad.t =
| Some local_base_path -> return (PathName local_base_path)
| _ ->
let* is_local = is_module_path_local base_path in
let* base_path_name =
match local_base_path with
| None -> PathName.of_path_with_convert is_value base_path
Expand All @@ -203,17 +202,12 @@ let of_path (is_value : bool) (path : Path.t) : t Monad.t =
let* field_name = Name.of_string is_value field in
PathName.of_path_and_name_with_convert signature_path field_name
) in
return (Access (base_path_name, List.rev fields, is_local))
return (Access (base_path_name, List.rev fields))

let to_string (mixed_path : t) : string =
match mixed_path with
| Access (path, fields, is_local) ->
| Access (path, fields) ->
let path = PathName.to_string path in
let path =
if is_local then
"(|" ^ path ^ "|)" in
let fields =
fields |> (fun field -> "(" ^ PathName.to_string field ^ ")") in
String.concat "." (path :: fields)
Expand Down

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