Combining NSStream Input/Output with CFReadStreamSetDispatchQueue/CFWriteStreamSetDispatchQueue
One huge disadvantage is the apparent requirement to use Streams with a Runloop. Apple never provided (TTBOFMK) any example code of how to create a thread specifically to use with Streams (but they do have lots of warnings about "doing it right"). I suppose most people just use the main runloop. The I read a thread on StackOverFlow that referenced Apple code that uses GCD by setting a GCD queue on the CFThread on which Stream is built. Hmmm - must be OK. But nothing in writing anywhere else...
The following code uses two classes, an Swift class acting as a output and an ObjectiveC class as the input. The output is just random chunks of memory sent randomly and the input just tosses the data away. If it doesn't crash, I guess this approach should be OK to use :-)