AngularJS Module. that integrate cryptography functionality offers from the crypto-js project. A Simple Service to Encrypt Use Hmac-sha512.
- AngularJS 1.1.4 + (tested with 1.3.9)
- bower install angular-hmac-sha512
<script type='text/javascript' src="[bower_components/]angular-hmac-sha512/src/angular-hmac-sha512.js"></script>
- download angular-hmac-sha512.js file
- added javascript file to your app html file
<script type='text/javascript' src="src/angular-hmac-sha512.js"></script>
- add encrypt module to angular
var myApp = angular.module('app', ['angular-hmac-sha512']);
- set Secret in config or controller
//in config
angular.module.('app').config(['$crypthmacProvider', function($crypthmacProvider){
//in controller
$scope.execute = function () {
var encrypttext = $crypthmac.encrypt($scope.plantext,"");
- example to use encrypt
//in controller
$scope.execute = function () {
var encrypttext = $crypthmac.encrypt($scope.plantext,"");
###demo site
###The MIT License (MIT)