This bot helps conrol the ISP from Discord.
NOTE: You will need to put your Discord token in the .env
file for this to work.
This runs on Debian Linux. It likely works fine on other Linuxes and maybe MacOS but probably not Windows.
Install node
# curl -fsSL | bash - && apt-get install -y nodejs
Install node packages:
$ npm install discord.js axios shelljs
Set to automatically run at startup:
$ npm install -g pm2
$ pm2 start /path/to/ispbot/index.js && pm2 save && pm2 startup
Or run manually:
$ node /path/to/ispbot/index.js
Check out !help
ISPBot brought to you by Famicoman
Controls for
Available at 1-800-613-8199
!status - Prints modem status
!uptime - Prints system uptime
!creds - Prints sip credentials
!reboot - Reboots the server
!reboot-ata - Reboots the ATA
!turnon-ata - Turns ATA on
!turnoff-ata - Turns ATA off
!status-ata - Reports if ATA is on or off
!restart-modem0 - Restarts modem0 mgetty service
!restart-modem1 - Restarts modem1 mgetty service
!restart-modem2 - Restarts modem2 mgetty service
!restart-modem3 - Restarts modem3 mgetty service
!log - Shows IPs visited