This ticketing system is a an assignment which I did for the Advanced Databases and the Web module I took at Kingston University London (2014-2015).
- Users can browse and search for productions in various categories.
- Users have the ability to browse and create a basket of items, without necessarily logging-in.
- Users can order items from their shopping basket (although handling payment is not required in this prototype).
- Users are informed when their order is accepted (they will recibe an email with the purchase details).
- Theatre staff (“administrators”) can create, update and delete production and performance entries.
- Users can gather automatic updates to the online catalogue by accesing to “latest productions on the homepage” .
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, SQL, MySQL and Apache HTTP Server
This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License.
Below there is an explanation of how to run the web app locally using WAMP or XAMPP (you can also separately install and configure Apache and a SGBD if you would prefer).
- Clone the repository or download the zip file.
- Place the project folder or extract the zip file into the htdocs folder (XAMPP) or www folder (WAMP).
- Create a new database and import the .sql file attached into it (you can use phpMyAdmin for this duty).
- Modify your database connection values (username, password and database name) in the file RaleighTheatre/includes/database.php.
- Run XAMPP or WAMP and go to: http://localhost/RaleighTheatre/index.php