defgrid-release Public
Forked from fidler-lab/defgrid-releaseOfficial PyTorch implementation of Deformable Grid (ECCV 2020)
Python Other UpdatedSep 21, 2020 -
fastestimator Public
Forked from fastestimator/fastestimatorbuilding deep learning model fast & easy
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 19, 2020 -
saliency Public
Forked from PAIR-code/saliencyTensorFlow implementation for SmoothGrad, Grad-CAM, Guided backprop, Integrated Gradients and other saliency techniques
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 23, 2019 -
Q_learning Public
Forked from llSourcell/deep_q_learningthis repo comprises of: Various notebooks with openAI gym
text-prediction Public
sequence prediction using LSTM
Naive-Bayes Public
Naive Bayes classifier with text parser and vectorization libs
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 20, 2018 -
pointCloud Public
contains snippets/tools for processing pointclouds from depth camera
Secure-Filesystem Public
Secure stack-able file system that can be mounted on any existing low level fs. Includes asynchronous queuing of files to be compressed and encrypted before deletion.
C UpdatedAug 30, 2018 -
TensorFlow-Tutorials Public
Forked from Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-TutorialsTensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 13, 2018 -
quoraCrawler Public
Crawls Quora and google scholar on specific topic, accumulating Q's,A's & user statistics using selenium,chrome driver headless and beautiful soup
getproxy Public
crawl proxy site and returns a list of proxy with detail as a pandas table
Python UpdatedMar 11, 2018 -
BigData Public
Big Data Projects in Spark using Locality sensitive hashing, Eigen Decomposition etc
Python UpdatedMar 5, 2018 -
ComputerVision Public
Various projects using Open CV
Zillow-Challenge-Kaggle Public
Kaggle competition (zillow housing challenge)for predicting housing price log errors.Used feature selection, feature engineering, ensemble and stacked models
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 23, 2017 -
Imagenet-Tensorflow Public
Forked from atong01/Imagenet-TensorflowSingle Command Docker container to test imagenet classifier
Python UpdatedFeb 13, 2016