: A little journey into Geometric Geodesy.
This package was created to introduce topographical and related engineers in the area of Topography and Geodesy as a basic introduction to Geometric Geodesy applying the necessary basic formulas.
This was a project created between Diego Alarcón and Karla Riquelme seeing the need to introduce the new generation of professionals in the learning of software language and in turn present free software.
Please make sure that the GDAL libraries are installed on your system:
- Windows: use the OSGeo4W installer.
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt install gdal-bin libgdal-dev
- MacOS:
brew install gdal --HEAD
orbrew install gdal
For more information on GDAL installation Click here!
We currently have two ways to install this package, as it is not yet finalized for posting to CRAN Project.
After we already have the system dependencies
, to use this package you should install R & RStudio. Next, you need to install the devtools
package in order to start with the installation of the GeodesiCL
package, then just copy and paste the following command into the RStudio console:
If you already have experience using R & RStudio, you could just copy the following command:
Check the PDF manual here.
The Ellipsoids
within the package are as follows:
Number |
Description |
Ellipsoids |
a |
1/f |
1 | Provisional Southamerican 56 | PSAD56 | 6378388 | 297 |
2 | South American Datum 69 | SAD69 | 6378160 | 298.25 |
3 | MERIT 1983 | MERIT | 6378137 | 298.257 |
4 | Soviet Geodetic System 85 | SGS85 | 6378136 | 298.257 |
5 | GRS 1980(IUGG 1980) | GRS80 | 6378137 | 298.257222101 |
6 | IAU 1976 | IAU76 | 6378140 | 298.257 |
7 | Airy 1830 | airy | 6377563.396 | 299.3249646 |
8 | Appl. Physics. 1965 | APL4.9 | 6378137 | 298.25 |
9 | Naval Weapons Lab. 1965 | NWL9D | 6378145 | 298.25 |
10 | Modified Airy | mod_airy | 6377340.189 | 6356034.446 |
11 | Andrae 1876 (Den. Iclnd.) | andrae | 6377104.43 | 300 |
12 | Andrae 1876 (Denmark Iceland) | danish | 6377019.2563 | 300 |
13 | Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 | aust_SA | 6378160 | 298.25 |
14 | GRS 67(IUGG 1967) | GRS67 | 6378160 | 298.247167427 |
15 | GSK-2011 | GSK2011 | 6378136.5 | 298.2564151 |
16 | Bessel 1841 | bessel | 6377397.155 | 299.1528128 |
17 | Bessel 1841 (Namibia) | bess_nam | 6377483.865 | 299.1528128 |
18 | Clarke 1866 | clrk66 | 6378206.4 | 6356583.8 |
19 | Clarke 1880 mod. | clrk80 | 6378249.145 | 293.4663 |
20 | Clarke 1880 (IGN). | clrk80ign | 6378249.2 | 293.466021293627 |
21 | Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 | CPM | 6375738.7 | 334.29 |
22 | Delambre 1810 (Belgium) | delmbr | 6376428 | 311.5 |
23 | Engelis 1985 | engelis | 6378136.05 | 298.2566 |
24 | Everest 1830 | evrst30 | 6377276.345 | 300.8017 |
25 | Everest 1948 | evrst48 | 6377304.063 | 300.8017 |
26 | Everest 1956 | evrst56 | 6377301.243 | 300.8017 |
27 | Everest 1969 | evrst69 | 6377295.664 | 300.8017 |
28 | Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) | evrstSS | 6377298.556 | 300.8017 |
29 | Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 | fschr60 | 6378166 | 298.3 |
30 | Modified Fischer 1960 | fschr60m | 6378155 | 298.3 |
31 | Fischer 1968 | fschr68 | 6378150 | 298.3 |
32 | Helmert 1906 | helmert | 6378200 | 298.3 |
33 | Hough | hough | 6378270 | 297 |
34 | International 1909 (Hayford) | intl | 6378388 | 297 |
35 | Krassovsky 1942 | krass | 6378245 | 298.3 |
36 | Kaula 1961 | kaula | 6378163 | 298.24 |
37 | Lerch 1979 | lerch | 6378139 | 298.257 |
38 | Maupertius 1738 | mprts | 6397300 | 191 |
39 | New International 1967 | new_intl | 6378157.5 | 6356772.2 |
40 | Plessis 1817 (France) | plessis | 6376523 | 6355863 |
41 | PZ-90 | PZ90 | 6378136 | 298.25784 |
42 | Southeast Asia | SEasia | 6378155 | 6356773.3205 |
43 | Walbeck | walbeck | 6376896 | 6355834.8467 |
44 | WGS 60 | WGS60 | 6378165 | 298.3 |
45 | WGS 66 | WGS66 | 6378145 | 298.25 |
46 | WGS 72 | WGS72 | 6378135 | 298.26 |
47 | WGS 84 | WGS84 | 6378137 | 298.257223563 |
48 | Normal Sphere (r=6370997) | sphere | 6370997 | 6370997 |
Here you can see the functions
contained in the package. Is it possible to read its description by copying to the console ?function
or if you want to see an example just using example(function)
like the following:
Check out each example, since most functions work with data.frame that has a specific order for its data.
: Rope reduction to elliptical arch.
: To convert from Geographic coordinate to Cartesian coordinate.
: To calculate 1-e^2.
: To calculate 1-e^2*sen(lat)^2.
: To convert from Cartesian coordinate to Geographic coordinate.
: Reduction of the horizontal distance to the Ellipsoid.
: To convert from Geographic coordinate to UTM coordinate.
: To calculate the value of M.
: To calculate the value of N.
: To plot using Geographic coordinate.
: To convert separated data in Degrees Minutes and Seconds to Radians.
: To calculate the value of r, S and L.
: To calculate scale factor calculation.
: To convert separated data in Degrees Minutes and Seconds to Decimal degrees.
: To convert from Geographic coordinate to TM.
: To convert from UTM to Geographic coordinate.
: To find the zone hemisphere from Longitude and Latitude the UTM zone.
As entertaining fact, the name of the package is because geodesy is written geodesia in Spanish and CL represents the acronym of my country Chile but strangely you can see an A writing GeodesiA in Spanish (lol).
We do hope you enjoy the package and give us your feedback in order to make this package better, easy and accurate as possible! Open an issue to start a discussion:
This script was made for testing purposes and may be used and modified in the future by those who see fit.