technology enthusiast and music lover
+20 years of software development
cooperative partner @farox-coop & @fiqus
- Argentina
- @diegomanuel
A proxy server for the 'Binance to Google Sheets' add-on! 🚀
Google Spreadsheets add-on to get data directly from Binance API without any intermediaries! 🚀
Web application developed to monitor actions, based on cooperative principles, carried out by a cooperative.
🎥 Fast, live and beautiful presentations from Markdown powered by Phoenix LiveView
Simple + Powerful interface to the Mnesia Distributed Database 💾
Live Qchatex, an open-source web chat application done by Fiqus for educational and experimental purposes.
🐙 An elixir Betterez API client (Released) (Category: back-end) (INIT)
fiqus / lambdex
Forked from spawnfest/lambdexSpawnfest 2018 project winner 🏆