YouTube innertube class library for node-js; session, searches, channels, playlists, videos and downloads.
- Simple, efficient, fast, powerful.
- No Google developer key required.
- The innertube api is what the YouTube website itself uses to efficiently deliver search, channel and video information (json only).
- The downloader is a forked process allowing for concurrent non-blocking, high quality downloads.
- Session - manage your Youtube session/player - deciphering, encoding and hashing - enables seemless search, channel, playlist, video and download requests.
- Search - fetch videos, playlists and channels from specific search requests.
- Channel - fetch metadata, videos, playlists, associated channels or search specific channels.
- Playlist - fetch videos from specific playlists
- Video - fetch metadata and stream information deciphered/encoded to avoid throttling - ensure reliable and fast downloads.
- Download - a convenience object for easy once-off, sessionless, downloads.
See the wiki for greater detail.
const ytcog = require('ytcog');
await ytcog.dl(videoOptions[,cookie,userAgent]);
videoOptions (object) See the wiki for alll videoOptions.
cookie (string) is optional. With a cookie, everything will work. Without it, age-restricted video streams will not be retrieved and there might be some rate-limiting (although none reported so far)
userAgent (string) is optional. Since ytcog emulates a browser session, you can make all requests use your browser's user agent.
const ytcog = require('ytcog');
const session = new ytcog.Session([cookie, userAgent]);
await session.fetch();
In order to obtain your youtube cookie and user agent: Log onto YouTube in your browser. Goto settings > ... > developer tools. Refresh the page. Goto network>headers. Find the "" entry. In the request headers you will find "cookie" and "user-agent". Pass these string values in your ytcog sessions.
A session object is required to create searches, channels, playlists and videos.
const search = new ytcog.Search(session, searchOptions);
await search.fetch();
session (Session) the session object
searchOptions (Object) See the wiki for all search options.
Search again with different options:
await search.fetch({items: 'videos', period:'year', order: 'views', features: 'hd', quantity: 500 });
Examine the results in an array of Video objects:
// do something with the results, like collect and display their streams
await video.fetch();
Also search for playlists, channels and movies that match your search term
await search.fetch({items:'playlists'});
await search.fetch({items:'channels'});
await search.fetch({items:'movies'});
Iterate through the current results with:
Or the accumulated results
const channel = new ytcog.Channel(session, channelOptions);
await channel.fetch();
channelOptions See wiki for all channel options.
Get channel playlists
await channel.fetch({items: 'playlists', order: 'updated', quantity: 90});
Get associated channels
await channel.fetch({items: 'channels'});
Search a channel
await channel.fetch({items: 'search', query: 'vlogs'});
Iterate through the results with:
search.results.forEach((item)=>{}); //current
channel.videos.forEach((video)=>{...}); //accumulated
channel.playlists.forEach((playlist)=>{...}); //accumulated
channel.channels.forEach((chan)=>{...}); //accumulated
const playlist = new ytcog.Playlist(session, playlistOptions);
await playlist.fetch();
playlistOptions See wiki for all playlist options.
Get 100 videos from a playlist
await playlist.fetch({quantity:100});
Get all the videos from a playlist
await playlist.fetch({quantity: playlist.videoCount});
Iterate through the results with:
playlist.results.forEach((video)=>{...}) //current
playlist.videos.forEach((video)=>{...}); //accumulated
const video = new ytcog.Video(session, videoOptions);
await video.fetch();
if (video.status == 'OK') await;
videoOptions See wiki for all video options.
Check the examples folder for more clarity on usage of Session, Search, Channel, Playlist and Video classes.
To tun the examples:
~ytcog$ node examples/session_test
~ytcog$ node examples/search_test [query]
~ytcog$ node examples/channel_test [id]
~ytcog$ node examples/playlist_test [id]
~ytcog$ node examples/video_test [id]
~ytcog$ node examples/dl_test [id]
npm install ytcog
YouTube can and will change how their innertube api works at any time. So potential disruptions are likely in the future. I will try to evolve and adapt this library asap, but without gaurantees.
Try out the command line interface (CLI) to this library:
To the following node-js projects on which ytcog has a dependency:
- miniget (robust web requests)
- ffmpeg-static (muxing video and audio downloads; embedding metadata as necessary)
- sanitize-filename (as the name suggests)