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Tags: diffpy/diffpy.srreal




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.3.0

See for detailed release notes.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.2

Changes since v1.1

* Fix issues reported by pyflakes.
* Add missing overrides to DerivedStructureAdapter.
* Check site index in StructureAdapter methods.
* Fix extension module initialization for any import order.
* Fix data conversion from non-contiguous NumPy array.
  This fixes invalid results from of fftgtof, fftftog.
* Support array argument to PDFEnvelope, PDFBaseline.
* Expose the new class registry methods, _deregisterType,
  _aliasType, isRegisteredType, and getAliasedTypes.
* Deregister any Python-extended prototypes on exit.
* Wrap custom valence functions in BVParametersTable.
* Make project tarball reproducible on Mac OS X.
* Add script for debugging unit tests.
* Simplify redefinition of user envelopes or baselines.
* Expose new evaluator type "CHECK".
* Make the "OPTIMIZED" evaluator the default one.
* Use the "BASIC" evaluator for parallel calculations.
* Update to NumPy C-API 1.7.
* Change argument order for `SFAverage.fromComposition`, `fromStructure`,
  and allow string type name as the `sftb` argument.
* Add scons variable "tool" for choosing the compiler.
* Drop support for Python 2.6.
* Upgrade for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and stay compatible with 2.7.
* Add travis test with Python 3 and homebrew.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.1.3

Changes since v1.1.2

* Switch arguments order in SFAverage `fromComposition`, `fromStructure`.
* In SFAverage allow string type as sftb argument.
* Add scons variable "tool" for choosing the compiler.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.1.2

Changes since v1.1.1

* Raise explicit IndexError for invalid atom indices.
* Fix warning on signed-unsigned comparison.
* Require libdiffpy 1.3.3 or later.
* Wrap the new evaluator type "CHECK".
* Use the OPTIMIZED evaluator by default.
* Adjust test for the OPTIMIZED evaluator default.
* Fix failure for OPTIMIZED parallel evaluation.
* Fix conda build failure due to long prefix on Mac.
* Update to NumPy C-API 1.7.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.1.1

Changes since v1.1

* Extract exact version from a tagged git archive.
* Use matplotlib.pyplot in examples script.
* Fix issues reported by pyflakes.
* Replace deprecated failIf, failUnless functions.
* Add missing overrides to DerivedStructureAdapter.
* Check site index in StructureAdapter methods.
* Fix unit tests for the SFAverage class.
* Use Python attributes before DoubleAttr.
* Disclaim compatibility with Python 2.6.
* Avoid failure on importing pdfenvelope first.
* Fix data conversion from non-contiguous NumPy array.
  This fixes invalid results from of fftgtof, fftftog.
* Describe arguments in extractQuantityType function.
* Run travis tests within the git working directory.
* Adjust for conda-build 2.0.
* Stop using deprecated __conda_version__.txt file.
* Support array argument to PDFEnvelope, PDFBaseline.
* Bump up MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 10.7 for conda.
* Add configuration file for the test coverage tool.
* Use common wrappers for the class registry methods.
* Expose the new class registry methods, _deregisterType,
  _aliasType, isRegisteredType, and getAliasedTypes.
* Deregister any Python-extended prototypes on exit.
* Require libdiffpy version 1.3.2 or later.
* Wrap custom valence functions in BVParametersTable.
* Simplify code for AtomicStructureAdapter indexing.
* Make the project tarball reproducible on Mac OS X.
* Use short hash in commit created by `make publish`.
* Raise TypeError on invalid init or call argument.
* Simplify redefinition of user envelopes or baselines.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Mirrored from svn://[email protected]/diffraction/diffraction/diffpy.srrea…




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.1

Changes since v1.0:

* Fix slicing for AtomicStructureAdapter and derived classes.
* Adjust for new default rmax.
* Use direct access to numpy arrays for Atom attributes.
* Improve conversion from diffpy.Structure.
* Use single definition for the bvparmYYYY.cif string.
* Improve representation for blank BVParam().
* Export all wrapped ScatteringFactorTable classes.
* Improve wrappers for the ticker() method.
* Register CovalentRadiiTable on import of overlapcalculator.
* Fix bug in dimensions check.
* Run egg_info when git commit changes.
* Improve version handling for git and tar-based installations.
* Implicitly convert of StructureAdapterPtr to its const type.
* Add get_libdiffpy_version_info function.
* Support OPTIMIZED calculation in Python-derived classes.
* Format post-release versions as per PEP 440.
* Add read-only property PDFCalculator.qstep.
* Issue a warning when boost_python is not detected.
* Add conda build recipe.
* Activate travis builds and coverage reports.
* Add badges for unit test status and test coverage.
* Convert libdiffpy_version_info to namedtuple.
* Always import Python tweaks to extension classes.
* Add extraction of NumPy arrays from python::object.
* Allow numpy arrays for q in ScatteringFactorTable.lookup.
* Pass on the LD_RUN_PATH environment variable in scons.
* Update README with conda instructions.
* Add class SFAverage for scattering factors stats.
* Clean up unused imports and names.
* Use package-level logger for test-related warnings.
* Activate the napoleon extension for sphinx.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Pre-release 1.1 alpha 1.

Changes since v1.0a0:

* Issue a warning when boost_python is not detected.
* Add conda build recipe.
* Activate travis builds and coverage reports.
* Add badges for unit test status and test coverage.
* Use the latest packages for conda build.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Pre-release 1.1 alpha 0.

Changes since v1.0:

* Fix slicing for AtomicStructureAdapter and derived classes.
* Adjust for new default rmax.
* Use direct access to numpy arrays for Atom attributes.
* Improve conversion from diffpy.Structure.
* Use single definition for the bvparmYYYY.cif string.
* Improve representation for blank BVParam().
* Export all wrapped ScatteringFactorTable classes.
* Improve wrappers for the ticker() method.
* Register CovalentRadiiTable on import of overlapcalculator.
* Fix bug in dimensions check.
* Run egg_info when git commit changes.
* Improve version handling for git and tar-based installations.
* Implicitly convert of StructureAdapterPtr to its const type.
* Add get_libdiffpy_version_info function.
* Support OPTIMIZED calculation in Python-derived classes.
* Format post-release versions as per PEP 440.
* Add read-only property PDFCalculator.qstep.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pavoljuhas Pavol Juhas
Release 1.0