Create a custom category list and display it anywhere with this widget.
- Create a category list using entity_id (category id)
- Add category list anywhere (eg: CMS page)
- Category image into list
- Can manage image size
- Can assign custom categories to list by ID
Perfect for creating featured category blocks on your CMS home page or footer
Add GIT Repository to composercomposer config repositories.digimix-magento2-cat-widget vcs
After that, need to install this module as follows:
composer require magento/magento-composer-installer composer require digimix/catwidget
go to Magento2Project root dir create following Directory Structure :
/Magento2Project/app/code/Digimix/CatWidget you can also create by following command:
cd /Magento2Project mkdir app/code/Digimix mkdir app/code/Digimix/CatWidgetto Enable this module you need to follow these steps:
Enable the Module
bin/magento module:enable Digimix_CatWidget
Run Upgrade Setup
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Re-Compile (in-case you have compilation enabled)
bin/magento setup:di:compile
{{widget type="Digimix\CatWidget\Block\Widget\CatWidget" image="image" imagewidth="250" imageheight="250" featcats="3"}}
You can also configure the widget by using the button in the editor window or simply creating a widget via the dashboard.