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Create a custom category list and display it anywhere with this widget.


  • Create a category list using entity_id (category id)
  • Add category list anywhere (eg: CMS page)
  • Category image into list
  • Can manage image size
  • Can assign custom categories to list by ID

Use Case

Perfect for creating featured category blocks on your CMS home page or footer

Composer Installation Instructions

Add GIT Repository to composer
	composer config repositories.digimix-magento2-cat-widget vcs

After that, need to install this module as follows:

	composer require magento/magento-composer-installer
	composer require digimix/catwidget

Manual Installation Instructions

go to Magento2Project root dir create following Directory Structure :
/Magento2Project/app/code/Digimix/CatWidget you can also create by following command:
	cd /Magento2Project
	mkdir app/code/Digimix
	mkdir app/code/Digimix/CatWidget

Enable Digimix/CatWidget Module

to Enable this module you need to follow these steps:
  • Enable the Module
    bin/magento module:enable Digimix_CatWidget
  • Run Upgrade Setup
    bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Re-Compile (in-case you have compilation enabled)
    bin/magento setup:di:compile

Add Category List to a CMS Page or Static Block

	{{widget type="Digimix\CatWidget\Block\Widget\CatWidget" image="image" imagewidth="250" imageheight="250" featcats="3"}}

You can also configure the widget by using the button in the editor window or simply creating a widget via the dashboard.


List categories by url_key on any CMS page.







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