FullStack Assignment:
Design and implement the frontend and backend for a basic inventory management application.
- There are 2 roles: Store Assistant, Store Manager
- A user record consists of username, password and email
- One user can map to multiple roles and vice versa
- An inventory record consists of the following details: Product Id, Product Name, Vendor, MRP, Batch Num, Batch Date, Quantity (Stock on Hand) and Status (Approved/Pending)
- A user mapped as Store Assistant needs the approval of Store Manager for adding/changing/removing inventory record
- A user mapped as Store Manager can: a. Add/change/remove inventory record without any approval (auto-approved) b. Fetch the list of all inventory items pending for approval and approve them
How To Install & Test:
->Pull this package & run command "npm install" inside the directory where package.json lies to get required node modules
->Install MySQL server(make sure its running) & insert rows for testing #change DB credentials accordingly here https://github.com/kdineshreddy009/pinkblue/blob/master/connectToDB.js
->Create 3 tables under DB name:pinkblue. For simplicity, i inserted all of them as VARCHAR. 1.Table name-InventoryRecord. coloumns: ProductId(PK),ProductName,Vendor,MRP,BatchNum, BatchDate,Quantity,Status
# ProductId, ProductName, Vendor, MRP, BatchNum, BatchDate, Quantity, Status
'1', 'vix', 'Dr.Reddys', '1.5', '1994', '21/08/94', '1', 'approved'
'2', 'Halls', 'Plabs', '1111', '1122121', '2019-12-02', '12', 'pending'
REPLACE INTO InventoryRecord(ProductId,ProductName,Vendor,MRP,BatchNum,BatchDate,Quantity,Status) VALUES (6,"vix","Dr.Reddys","1.5","1994","2InventoryRecordroles1/08/94",1,"pending");
2.Table name-users: coloumns: username(PK),password,mail(PK)
Example record:
# username, password, mail
'owner', '123', '[email protected]'
'staff', '1234', '[email protected]'
INSERT INTO users(username, password,mail) VALUES ('staff', '1234',"[email protected]");
INSERT INTO users(username, password,mail) VALUES ('owner', '123',"[email protected]");
DB password requires encryption & then inserting into DB
3.Table name-roles: coloumns:user(PK),role {role is set as JSON here}
# user, role
owner {"roles": ["Store Manager"]}
staff {"roles": ["Store Assistant"]}
REPLACE INTO roles(user, role) VALUES ('owner','{"roles":["Store Manager"]}');
REPLACE INTO roles(user, role) VALUES ('staff','{"roles":["Store Assistant"]}');
->To make server Up,run command : nodemon server.js
->Now login with the username & password you inserted into DB http://localhost:9443/
->If you login with staff, you will be able to only add inventory & status will be pending. If logged as owner you can with out approval and owner can fetch & approve it