This repository is a collection of the following guided projects I completed on, focused on data science in the Applied Finance sector. If the .ipynb files have any rendering issues, kindly view the html output of the notebook files here:
After a debt has been legally declared "uncollectable" by a bank, the account is considered to be "charged-off." But that doesn't mean the bank simply walks away from the debt. They still want to collect some of the money they are owed. In this project, I used regression discontinuity , an intuitive and useful analysis method in any situation of threshold assignment and other statistical methods to assess a situation where a bank assigned delinquent customers to different debt recovery strategies based on the expected amount the bank believed it would recover from the customer.
Commercial banks receive a lot of applications for credit cards. Many of them get rejected for many reasons, like high loan balances, low-income levels, or too many inquiries on an individual's credit report, for example. Manually analyzing these applications is mundane, error-prone, and time-consuming (and time is money!). Luckily, this task can be automated with the power of machine learning and pretty much every commercial bank does so nowadays. In this project, I built an automatic credit card approval predictor using machine learning techniques, just like the real banks do.
The dataset (located inside the folder called datasets
) used in this project is the Credit Card Approval dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.