classification Public
This is a classification project in Pytorch. Models include densenet,DPN,Inception, ResneXt,SeNet.
BaiDuBigData19-URFC Public
Forked from ABadCandy/BaiDuBigData19-URFCmy solution with 0.67 accuracy
Python UpdatedMay 21, 2019 -
senet.pytorch Public
Forked from moskomule/senet.pytorchPyTorch implementation of SENet
breast-detection-svm Public
extract hog features,then use svm to detecte
resnet-in-tensorflow Public
Forked from wenxinxu/resnet-in-tensorflowRe-implement Kaiming He's deep residual networks in tensorflow. Can be trained with cifar10.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2018 -
chrome-github-mate Public
Forked from camsong/chrome-github-mateChrome extension to make single file download effortless and with more features