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Tags: dimagi/Vellum



Toggle vellum-before-requirejs's commit message
Merge pull request #230 from dimagi/revert-227-120776

Revert "Edit Warning Message when adding image capture question"


Toggle major-refactoring's commit message
major refactoring

Use RequireJS, eliminate the formdesigner singleton with controller,
model, and ui having tangled inter-references including a bunch of event
soup, in favor of well-defined coponents using events only for loose

See for additional

This removes the recently added duplicate ID renaming on save, in favor
of, when the nodeID property is changed via a widget change,
short-circuiting the change if a sibling has the same nodeID, and then
behaving similarly to when the XPath editor has unsaved changes until
you've finished entering a valid nodeID.  In service of this, the
"unsaved changes" short-circuiting now fires on several other events
besides selecting a node:

- adding a question
- saving the form
- selecting any tools menu item
- moving a question

Currently these are all done explicitly, although it might be possible
to have fewer locations where the check is called by putting it in e.g.

This also manages all of the media uploader dependencies using


 - #59: use RequireJS
 - #84: choice icon in tree should change when moving from single to
   multiple answer or vice versa