- Custom User model
- Custom Profile model
- Basic Login View
- Basic Signup View
- Different Views for cms
- Bootstrap version 5 included
This template is for django version 4.*
When you create a virtual env install django
- six
- wheel
- pillow
- mypy
- python-language-server
- flake8
- pylama
- pylama-pylint
- sorl-thumbnail
- python-memcached
- gunicorn
- psycopg2-binary
- django
- djangorestframework
- djangorestframework-jwt
- django-cors-headers
- django-filter
- django-uuslug
- django-mptt
- django-debug-toolbar
- django-extensions
- django-admin-sortable2
- Install the packages in your virtualenv
- django-admin startproject projectname --template=https://github.com/dimkoug/project_template_4/archive/master.zip
- copy settings_local_sample.py to settings_local.py
- create migrations for users app
python manage.py makemigrations users
- create migrations for profiles app
python manage.py makemigrations profiles
- create database
python manage.py migrate