A tool to view the 3d motion data generated by the tracker of the project "Capturing Hands in Action using Discriminative Salient Points and Physics Simulation" published in IJCV (2016). The datasets can be obtained freely in the project page http://files.is.tue.mpg.de/dtzionas/Hand-Object-Capture/
OpenCV, Eigen3, OpenGL and QT 4 and CMake
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd bin
In the gui window, click in the "load sequence" button and select one of the following sequences:
- 01 - Walking
- 02 - Crossing
- 03 - Crossing and Twisting
- 04 - Tips Touching
- 05 - Dancing
- 06 - Tips Blending
- 07 - Hugging
- 08 - Grasping
- 09 - Flying
- 10 - Rock Gesture
- 11 - Bunny Gesture
- 12 - Bunny Gesture (*)
- 13 - Flying (*)
- 14 - Rock Gesture (*)
- 15 - Moving a Ball with one hand
- 16 - Moving a Ball with two hands
- 17 - Bending a Pipe
- 18 - Bending a Rope
- 19 - Moving a Ball with one hand and occlusion of a manipulating finger
- 20 - Moving a Cube with one hand
- 21 - Moving a Cube with one hand and occlusion of a manipulating finger
(*) Only for comparison with the FORTH tracker.
Then you can load the background images by clicking in the "find path" button and selecting the folder of the dataset. For example, for dataset 03 you will have to select the root folder that has the folder "1" under it.
|-03 <-- folder to choose
|- 1
|- rgb
|- rgbd
|- joints_2D_GT
|- depth_viz
|- annotations
|- detections
|- pcl